This is just for Silvio510!

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, September 25, 2003 11:25 AM
Black engines and the name ___&___&___&___&___& Pacific. Kinda reminds you of SP SF. Shouldn't Paint So Fast.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, September 25, 2003 11:25 AM
Black engines and the name ___&___&___&___&___& Pacific. Kinda reminds you of SP SF. Shouldn't Paint So Fast.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, September 25, 2003 11:19 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by drailed1999

I have to agree with vsmith but dont worry Ed, I'm not one for being politically correct. Besides, I have 2 favorite races. TALLADEGA & DAYTONA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been to the "Oil" haha 400 in Homestead. I have fond memories of the race and South Florida in general. It was a good trip and a good time.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, September 25, 2003 11:19 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by drailed1999

I have to agree with vsmith but dont worry Ed, I'm not one for being politically correct. Besides, I have 2 favorite races. TALLADEGA & DAYTONA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been to the "Oil" haha 400 in Homestead. I have fond memories of the race and South Florida in general. It was a good trip and a good time.
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Posted by edblysard on Thursday, September 25, 2003 10:35 AM
But why would they want to be anything else?

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Posted by edblysard on Thursday, September 25, 2003 10:35 AM
But why would they want to be anything else?

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Posted by dharmon on Thursday, September 25, 2003 10:05 AM

I grew up around where you are and in a much different time. We've drug our kids all over the place so hopefully they taken it onboard that people are differnt but the same.

Regardless of whether they are Texans or sumpin else.
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Posted by dharmon on Thursday, September 25, 2003 10:05 AM

I grew up around where you are and in a much different time. We've drug our kids all over the place so hopefully they taken it onboard that people are differnt but the same.

Regardless of whether they are Texans or sumpin else.
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Posted by edblysard on Thursday, September 25, 2003 1:06 AM
Moor, I think you got it.
Now, wouldnt put it past my buddy to jerk my chain either,
making fun of ourselves, and each other is a requirement on a railroad, and this guy is a master at delivering jokes in such a dead pan manner, that the punch line dosnt click to you for hours, then it hits you he was pulling your leg, and you end up laughing you fanny off.
Which of course make everybody near you think you weirder than normal.
Now you got me thinking, was he pulling my leg, or serious with "dark spanish"?
Would lay odds he was having some fun, will have to get his switchman to nosey around for me.

Regardless, I try to follow what Aimee and I have tried to teach our kids,
dont worry about what color a persons skin is, worry more about how they act, what they do, and worry about how you act and what you say,
treat every person you meet exactly the way you want to be treated.
If their skin color, or your skin color is a problem for them, then its exactly that, their problem.
If you dont worry about the color of their skin, they shouldnt worry about it either,
nor should your color be a worry to you.
Every person you meet is a oppertunity to learn something about the world you live in.
Stay Frosty,

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Posted by edblysard on Thursday, September 25, 2003 1:06 AM
Moor, I think you got it.
Now, wouldnt put it past my buddy to jerk my chain either,
making fun of ourselves, and each other is a requirement on a railroad, and this guy is a master at delivering jokes in such a dead pan manner, that the punch line dosnt click to you for hours, then it hits you he was pulling your leg, and you end up laughing you fanny off.
Which of course make everybody near you think you weirder than normal.
Now you got me thinking, was he pulling my leg, or serious with "dark spanish"?
Would lay odds he was having some fun, will have to get his switchman to nosey around for me.

Regardless, I try to follow what Aimee and I have tried to teach our kids,
dont worry about what color a persons skin is, worry more about how they act, what they do, and worry about how you act and what you say,
treat every person you meet exactly the way you want to be treated.
If their skin color, or your skin color is a problem for them, then its exactly that, their problem.
If you dont worry about the color of their skin, they shouldnt worry about it either,
nor should your color be a worry to you.
Every person you meet is a oppertunity to learn something about the world you live in.
Stay Frosty,

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Posted by dharmon on Wednesday, September 24, 2003 8:22 PM

I think you dark spanish friend would be termed a Moor. The North Africans that owned part of the Iberian peninsula for a bit. The other is a bit harder....not exactly sure what a Central/South American Indian is, I guess Latin American, but not sure.

As for the yellow road I thought it was the Chicago and SouthWestern Mop Up.

Ol' silvio must be seething by now...

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Posted by dharmon on Wednesday, September 24, 2003 8:22 PM

I think you dark spanish friend would be termed a Moor. The North Africans that owned part of the Iberian peninsula for a bit. The other is a bit harder....not exactly sure what a Central/South American Indian is, I guess Latin American, but not sure.

As for the yellow road I thought it was the Chicago and SouthWestern Mop Up.

Ol' silvio must be seething by now...

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Posted by mudchicken on Wednesday, September 24, 2003 6:28 PM

Current yellow railroad's moniker is W.U.M.P.S.-C Kinda the sound of a flat wheel going down the track....

vsmith: just call it Le Alphabet Soupe and color it boring black.....

Mookie: 47 & reluctantly anonymous

Mudchicken Nothing is worth taking the risk of losing a life over. Come home tonight in the same condition that you left home this morning in. Safety begins with ME.... cinscocom-west
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Posted by mudchicken on Wednesday, September 24, 2003 6:28 PM

Current yellow railroad's moniker is W.U.M.P.S.-C Kinda the sound of a flat wheel going down the track....

vsmith: just call it Le Alphabet Soupe and color it boring black.....

Mookie: 47 & reluctantly anonymous

Mudchicken Nothing is worth taking the risk of losing a life over. Come home tonight in the same condition that you left home this morning in. Safety begins with ME.... cinscocom-west
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Posted by Nora on Wednesday, September 24, 2003 6:05 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by vsmith

That raises an interesting point, can egyptians or lybians refer to themselves as "african-americans"? there on the african continent?

I have a good friend from high school who is Egyptian (born in England, now an American citizen, but both her parents are Egyptian). She does not want to be called black or African-American; she considers herself Arab or Middle Eastern. I don't know if this is the case for most or all Egyptian people, but that's how she sees herself.

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Posted by Nora on Wednesday, September 24, 2003 6:05 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by vsmith

That raises an interesting point, can egyptians or lybians refer to themselves as "african-americans"? there on the african continent?

I have a good friend from high school who is Egyptian (born in England, now an American citizen, but both her parents are Egyptian). She does not want to be called black or African-American; she considers herself Arab or Middle Eastern. I don't know if this is the case for most or all Egyptian people, but that's how she sees herself.

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Posted by edblysard on Wednesday, September 24, 2003 5:23 PM
Hi Kev,
Didnt take it as an accusation at all.
Down south, darkie, dark skinned, and colored people, along with the word *** are racial slurs.
The word ***, as ugly as it is, is a bastardation of the words niggard and niggardly, both words meaning stingy in though, action and expression.

And, for the most part, I have found that the word dosnt fit most of the "black" people I know, who tend to be generous and open, and expressive in thought and action.
As a young child and young man, I was raised in several different places, in a culture that applied no special recognition of a persons skin color.
I like Dans answer to the "boxed question of race" and agree, the correct word is human.

But at certain times, having to apply a descriptive term is necessary, especially in areas such as police work, where identifying a person by the color of their skin helps eliminate subjects from a search, or include subjects in the same search.

Jim was correct in that genetically, most sub speices of humans are less then 1% different in our genetic codes and markers.

For the most part, with the exception of certain inherieted dieseses and defects, that 1% is what determines the color and texture of your hair, the color of your eyes and skin, height, weight and outward appearence.

For legal purpose, the courts require an exclusion rate of 98.98% in paternity cases, meaning 98.98% of a given segment of the population have been eliminated as the parents of the child in question.

Heres another problem.
What do you call the Myans, and other central and south American indians?

Are they Latinos, or Hispanic, the two politically correct words used to describe people from south of the border with brown skin and dark hair?
Their neither Latin or Spanish in origin.

What the politically correct term for them?

I am proud in that my wife and I have managed to raise three truly "color" blind daughters.

They describe people not by their skin color, but by their actions.

When they talk about their friends, you never here them say" thats my black friend, or thats my hispanic friend", you just hear them call them friends.
which is exactlly what we were shooting for.

Its a tough path to navigate, because a term that might be acceptable to one person is a insult to another person.

Should I take offense if someone referes to me as a skinny white guy with silver gray hair?
Should I insist they refer to me as a German Jew/Welsh Scott-American?
After a certain point, at least in my mind, it becomes silly.

So, for want of a better descriptive term that is not politicaly dangerous, I guess the term "black" will have to suffice.

Was up at the yard today, getting my boots out of my locker, and ran into my "negro" friend.
Explained the delimia I have found myself in, and asked him what term, if any, he perfered.

See Jenny, I can take and follow suggestions!

He said he is not black, wasnt too fond of negro, but that it could apply, but if someone had to describe him based on his racial background, then "Dark Spainish" was fine with him.

Oh, my Dark Spainish friend said he thinks he will dye the orange part of his hair bright green, he is having way too much fun with this.

Railroaders do have a warped sense fun.
Dont sweat the load, Kev, if someone took offense, sorry on my part, that wasnt my intent.
Your question was a legit one, after all, if we cant discuss things in a open outright manner, freely and frankly, then we end up right back in the same mess that started the problem in the first place.
Stay Frosty,

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Posted by edblysard on Wednesday, September 24, 2003 5:23 PM
Hi Kev,
Didnt take it as an accusation at all.
Down south, darkie, dark skinned, and colored people, along with the word *** are racial slurs.
The word ***, as ugly as it is, is a bastardation of the words niggard and niggardly, both words meaning stingy in though, action and expression.

And, for the most part, I have found that the word dosnt fit most of the "black" people I know, who tend to be generous and open, and expressive in thought and action.
As a young child and young man, I was raised in several different places, in a culture that applied no special recognition of a persons skin color.
I like Dans answer to the "boxed question of race" and agree, the correct word is human.

But at certain times, having to apply a descriptive term is necessary, especially in areas such as police work, where identifying a person by the color of their skin helps eliminate subjects from a search, or include subjects in the same search.

Jim was correct in that genetically, most sub speices of humans are less then 1% different in our genetic codes and markers.

For the most part, with the exception of certain inherieted dieseses and defects, that 1% is what determines the color and texture of your hair, the color of your eyes and skin, height, weight and outward appearence.

For legal purpose, the courts require an exclusion rate of 98.98% in paternity cases, meaning 98.98% of a given segment of the population have been eliminated as the parents of the child in question.

Heres another problem.
What do you call the Myans, and other central and south American indians?

Are they Latinos, or Hispanic, the two politically correct words used to describe people from south of the border with brown skin and dark hair?
Their neither Latin or Spanish in origin.

What the politically correct term for them?

I am proud in that my wife and I have managed to raise three truly "color" blind daughters.

They describe people not by their skin color, but by their actions.

When they talk about their friends, you never here them say" thats my black friend, or thats my hispanic friend", you just hear them call them friends.
which is exactlly what we were shooting for.

Its a tough path to navigate, because a term that might be acceptable to one person is a insult to another person.

Should I take offense if someone referes to me as a skinny white guy with silver gray hair?
Should I insist they refer to me as a German Jew/Welsh Scott-American?
After a certain point, at least in my mind, it becomes silly.

So, for want of a better descriptive term that is not politicaly dangerous, I guess the term "black" will have to suffice.

Was up at the yard today, getting my boots out of my locker, and ran into my "negro" friend.
Explained the delimia I have found myself in, and asked him what term, if any, he perfered.

See Jenny, I can take and follow suggestions!

He said he is not black, wasnt too fond of negro, but that it could apply, but if someone had to describe him based on his racial background, then "Dark Spainish" was fine with him.

Oh, my Dark Spainish friend said he thinks he will dye the orange part of his hair bright green, he is having way too much fun with this.

Railroaders do have a warped sense fun.
Dont sweat the load, Kev, if someone took offense, sorry on my part, that wasnt my intent.
Your question was a legit one, after all, if we cant discuss things in a open outright manner, freely and frankly, then we end up right back in the same mess that started the problem in the first place.
Stay Frosty,

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, September 24, 2003 4:25 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by dharmon

It would be the same as the result of all the previous mergers --- Union Pacific

Reminds me of an article I read following the UP-SP merger. I think it was the Houston Post interviewing an unnamed SP employee disgruntled with the merger....said the name of the new RR would combine both names....Union from UP and Pacific from SP.

I thought they were going to call the after merger RR the Pacific Union & Southern. ( the PUS road ) [:o)][8D][8D] LOL
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, September 24, 2003 4:25 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by dharmon

It would be the same as the result of all the previous mergers --- Union Pacific

Reminds me of an article I read following the UP-SP merger. I think it was the Houston Post interviewing an unnamed SP employee disgruntled with the merger....said the name of the new RR would combine both names....Union from UP and Pacific from SP.

I thought they were going to call the after merger RR the Pacific Union & Southern. ( the PUS road ) [:o)][8D][8D] LOL
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, September 24, 2003 4:18 PM
I have to agree with vsmith but dont worry Ed, I'm not one for being politically correct. Besides, I have 2 favorite races. TALLADEGA & DAYTONA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, September 24, 2003 4:18 PM
I have to agree with vsmith but dont worry Ed, I'm not one for being politically correct. Besides, I have 2 favorite races. TALLADEGA & DAYTONA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, September 24, 2003 2:57 PM
ED, my apologies, i didn't mean to cause such a rucus. What i would have done i would have used the term "dark skin".

Generally neither N word is used in Canada, thats why i jumped and wondered if that word was in standard use in the USA

again my sencere apologies, i didn't mean to accuse you to such an extent.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, September 24, 2003 2:57 PM
ED, my apologies, i didn't mean to cause such a rucus. What i would have done i would have used the term "dark skin".

Generally neither N word is used in Canada, thats why i jumped and wondered if that word was in standard use in the USA

again my sencere apologies, i didn't mean to accuse you to such an extent.
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Posted by dharmon on Wednesday, September 24, 2003 1:52 PM
It would be the same as the result of all the previous mergers --- Union Pacific

Reminds me of an article I read following the UP-SP merger. I think it was the Houston Post interviewing an unnamed SP employee disgruntled with the merger....said the name of the new RR would combine both names....Union from UP and Pacific from SP.
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Posted by dharmon on Wednesday, September 24, 2003 1:52 PM
It would be the same as the result of all the previous mergers --- Union Pacific

Reminds me of an article I read following the UP-SP merger. I think it was the Houston Post interviewing an unnamed SP employee disgruntled with the merger....said the name of the new RR would combine both names....Union from UP and Pacific from SP.
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Posted by vsmith on Wednesday, September 24, 2003 1:40 PM
Would they call it:

CanadianNationalBurlingtonNorthernSantaFeUnion& SouthernPacific, or CNBNSFU&SP????

Do ya think they would run out of room painting that on the side of the engine, and what would the color scheme be? My mind boggles....

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Posted by vsmith on Wednesday, September 24, 2003 1:40 PM
Would they call it:

CanadianNationalBurlingtonNorthernSantaFeUnion& SouthernPacific, or CNBNSFU&SP????

Do ya think they would run out of room painting that on the side of the engine, and what would the color scheme be? My mind boggles....

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Posted by Mookie on Wednesday, September 24, 2003 12:50 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by dharmon

But in the interest of keeping this about trains, I saw another CN unit in San Diego this morning. This time lashed up with a UP, SP and BNSF consist. Couldn't tell types from the distance, but was one of the 4 axle units with wide cab.
Probably trying a merger on for size! Here come the rocks again!


She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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