Trans Texas Corridor ? ?

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, August 12, 2006 8:44 AM

So, Ed, what exactly was the meaning of the green-shaded and whitened counties on the small TX map?  Are the green ones against the TTC, and the white ones neutral?  Or does it refer to which counties will be impacted, and which ones will not?


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Posted by edblysard on Saturday, August 12, 2006 4:53 AM

A couple of links, some for, some against the Trans Texas...

Dont hold you breath on it being built soon.



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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, August 12, 2006 3:15 AM
What I had read about this subject, but not necessarily about this project, was that there was a secret, master plan to make a six- or seven-lane highway connecting Mexico to Canada N-S, a toll road, with no exits or entryways in between.  I have also heard that something like this is being pushed by current TX Gov. Rick Perry, and that he is pushing for it not only to be a toll road, but also for a foreign company to control the administration of it.  Because of the foreign ownership  issue, and because it would cut across some relatively prime farmland, what I've read is that most Texans don't care for it at all, and may even not re-elect Perry because of it.  Regarding the first project, since roughly the same stripe of political parties are currently in charge (Harper of the Conservative Party, Bush of the GOP, and Calderon, most likely, in Mexico), it would seem like an opportune time to push something like this through.  The idea behind the lack of exits or entryways was to deny state authorities in between a chance at any kind of revenues for the states the road would run through.
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Trans Texas Corridor ? ?
Posted by tatans on Friday, August 11, 2006 7:25 PM
Just saw a blurb on this future network, seems there is a BIT of objection to this transportation network, I think it involves high-speed trains, roads, pipelines etc. anyone got any more info on this subject? ?

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