Kansas City Yards

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, May 24, 2001 6:15 AM
neff is 6400 martin. knocke is on front street but i don't know the exact address. armourdale doesn't really have an address anymore, as yardmasters now work out of 18th st. yard tower.
there is currently only one yard job a shift that works at armourdale and all road crews come from neff, or imrl for certain stack trains. you can find armourdale off of kansas avenue about 3 block north, go UNDER 18th st viaduct and you run right into armourdale. i'm an engineer for UP, and we run into armourdale all the time, currently they have a tie gang putting in about 20000 ties, and a signal gang working on making the west end of the yard all power switches into recieving tracks.
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Posted by dstill on Friday, May 11, 2001 8:01 PM
I just got the latest issue of railfan and railroad magazine and they had a article with map of all the major railroads and yards in Kansas City area. If by address you mean location this may help you out.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, April 16, 2001 7:41 PM
i live in the kansas city area...i can try to look into that info for you and let you know what i find out...byeeeeee
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Kansas City Yards
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, March 30, 2001 11:26 PM
I would like to get the addresses of the major yards in Kansas City, notably Argentine, Neff, Armourdale, Armstrong, and Knoche(KCS). Thank you, Eric Armstrong.

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