Missing Stop Signs

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Missing Stop Signs
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 18, 2003 10:28 PM
Here are BNSFs safety rules for their own employees crossing the tracks. Where are the stop signs at crossings for the rest of the public? There are thousands of cross-buck (yield signs).

Are the railroad employees taught that a 65 foot truck requires 16.5 feet of sight distance per mph of train speed and to report sight obstructed crossings? For example a 80 mph Amtrak the truck driver should be able to see the whistle posts 1/4 mile away from 15 feet to 50 feet away from the near rail of the crossing. School buses require 13.5 feet per mph of train speed.

Crossings outside yard facilities not equipped with automatic warning devices (lights, gates, bells or any combination thereof): Stop within
50 feet, but not less than 15 feet from the nearest rail. Look in both directions and listen for an approaching train or ontrack equipment before proceeding over the crossing.
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 18, 2003 11:32 PM
I started to reply to your drivel but it is not worth arguing with a fence post!!!
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Posted by edblysard on Sunday, May 18, 2003 11:41 PM
Hey, I know what. Lets see if we can talk these two into bothering the airline industry. See, if the airlines, (big, mean greedy corporations) would only fly their airplanes slower, and closer to the groung, then, when your playing jacks on the runway, you will have enough time to finish your hand before the airplane squashes you. And we can use rubber figures to prove that slower, lower flying airplanes would save lives when they crash. After all, the FAA is in on the conspiracy to kill hundreds of innocent skateboarders who need thousands of feet in sight lines to ride across the runway. If they only had enought time, they could ride a steam roller all the way across the airport.

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Posted by edblysard on Sunday, May 18, 2003 11:48 PM
I guess you expected BNSF to tell it's employees to just wander across the tracks without looking? So if they get hit by a train, on railroad tracks, it would be a big surprise?
Tell you what, why dont you take a big, long aluminum pole, maybe ten or twelve feet long, hold it over your head, pointing straight up, and run around outside in a thunder storm?
Oppps, I see you already did that.

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Posted by wabash1 on Monday, May 19, 2003 8:51 AM
1st thing is you took the railroad whistle board and the direct statement from the drivers licens manual and combined them to make a false statement which is what i exspect from you. The statement you make is that a truck will need 2sec per foot of truck to stop safley for the perpose of following distance of another vehicle. (this is a fully loaded truck 80,000 lbs) the stopping distance is for trucks carring haz-materials and is manditory by the DOT. (bus drivers also). from the crossing to look both directions to make sure a train is not comming.

There is no mention that the truck or bus drivers need to see the whislte post most would not know what they are looking for anyways. but since you are on whistle post the fra says that they need to be erected and the engineer must start blowing for the crossing either at the post or 1/4 mile before it. So to make it plain for you, if i am doing 20 mph on the track that is set up for 50mph i still must blow for the crossing when i reach the whistle board, the only thing is that i dont haft to continue blowing, the rule is i must start there give 2 longs a short and a long there is no rule as to how much time can laspe between blows. and the last blow must be made and held thru the crossing.

with this said your statement takes 2 differant rules fra and dot for 2 differant perposes combined them and made a statement, a wrong one but never the less your job is to put doubt into the publics eye . to make your lawyer friends richer. It was not my fault that you didnt get hired by a railroad when you went maybe they saw a trouble maker early and didnt want to hire you, and we are better off for it.
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Posted by wabash1 on Monday, May 19, 2003 8:51 AM
1st thing is you took the railroad whistle board and the direct statement from the drivers licens manual and combined them to make a false statement which is what i exspect from you. The statement you make is that a truck will need 2sec per foot of truck to stop safley for the perpose of following distance of another vehicle. (this is a fully loaded truck 80,000 lbs) the stopping distance is for trucks carring haz-materials and is manditory by the DOT. (bus drivers also). from the crossing to look both directions to make sure a train is not comming.

There is no mention that the truck or bus drivers need to see the whislte post most would not know what they are looking for anyways. but since you are on whistle post the fra says that they need to be erected and the engineer must start blowing for the crossing either at the post or 1/4 mile before it. So to make it plain for you, if i am doing 20 mph on the track that is set up for 50mph i still must blow for the crossing when i reach the whistle board, the only thing is that i dont haft to continue blowing, the rule is i must start there give 2 longs a short and a long there is no rule as to how much time can laspe between blows. and the last blow must be made and held thru the crossing.

with this said your statement takes 2 differant rules fra and dot for 2 differant perposes combined them and made a statement, a wrong one but never the less your job is to put doubt into the publics eye . to make your lawyer friends richer. It was not my fault that you didnt get hired by a railroad when you went maybe they saw a trouble maker early and didnt want to hire you, and we are better off for it.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, May 19, 2003 1:06 PM
No the statement I make is out of the FHWA manual for highway/railroad crossings. Appendix D which is on pdf. page 248 or manual page 241 depending on how you look it up. or the chart can be seen better here with page 2 column 1 is for stop signed crossings

Foot per second distance is 1.4666 times mph speed. Or miles per hour times 5,280 divided by the number of seconds in a hour which is 3,600.

A 80 mph train is going 117.328 feet per second. IF the whistle post is 1/4 mile (1320 feet) which different states vary, it takes 11.25 seconds for the train to reach the crossing from the whistle post. At 1 mph it takes a 65 foot truck starting 6 foot from the tracks 52.5 seconds to clear the kill zone of the train. Gates and lights are required to give 26 seconds warning, 20 with the gates all the way down so there are 15 seconds of warning missing at all passive crossings with 80 mph trains.
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Posted by wabash1 on Monday, May 19, 2003 9:51 PM
As usual, you are changing facts mixing numbers for your perpose. and as i stated there is only 15sec of warning we haft to give the public. and in the states we run that is all we give. there is other rules as far as if we stop to when we are alloowed to procede into the crossing at grade. You are mixing what the dot says the trucks must do against what railroads must do. I was a trucker before i was a railroader, i keep up with all things on both sides. But you insist on comming on here and trying to put doubt into everyones mind except its not working for everything you say and twist we have the right answers. And besides goverment studies and numbers have never been accurate if you do as the goverment says you never get anything done. You probley do the test like they say when passing a vehicle going 5mph faster how long it take to pass them and the amount of traffic that is being held up in the passing lane ( oh wait it just dawned on me now we know who is holding up traffic.) i rest my case.
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, May 20, 2003 4:31 PM

I don't Care less about all these numbers you keep throwing at me.

First the "FHWA" what next, the "FCC"?
this is taken right from the book of who cares, chapter 7, I SURE don't, not about the FHWA, the FCC or the LMNOP.


p.s missouri, Do you see dead people, i saw some kid complaining about that in a recent movie,I was wondering if you suffer from the same thing..
goota run..the FHWA is after me...
oh and By the way, my data for an 80 MPH train.. i get 117.465 feet/second... that differs quite abit from your meesley 117.328 feet/second

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Posted by wabash1 on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 8:35 AM
kev, chill man or the fhwa will be after me with the fcc in tow. and before its over the dot and the afl-cio along with the kkk to see me get sqashed by the clu and the irs and for good measure probley invite the naacp. And ill need to bring my cpa to figure out the difraance between the 117.465fps and the 117.328 fps and if i have time to blow my nose before i get thru the crossing. maybe ill wait on that before i get sued for taking 1 millisecond longer to start blowing for a crossing giving someone the false hope that they have time to beat me.

I wonder if we could sue the auto makers for not putting writing on all glass in cars that state trains are closer than they appear. Hears a good one sue the auto-makers for not putting automatic brakes on cars if the car hears a train whistle at lets say 110 decibles then it applys the brakes for 15 seconds before releasing. this way they are stopped at a crossing and with no chance of moving. this would work with emergency vehicles also so there would be no high speed chases anymore . on second thought its to simple never work.
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Posted by Mookie on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 11:08 AM
Wabash - I think you are on to something!

She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 5:22 PM
I'm sueing Chevrolet. My car didn't even come with the option of having.. "Automatic-breakes-will-apply-when-your-car-hears-the-sound-of-an-oncooming-train-somwhere-in-the-distance-of-117-feet
or more commonly known as the ABWAWYCHTSOAOTSITDO117F Feature, man what a ride, what a gyp. Maybe it's just not included in Canadian models?

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Posted by wabash1 on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 8:20 PM
I am under the understanding that it is being tested in california in the la area so when the mexicans are getting pulled over the brakes apply so that they are not in a persuit and get beat up. maybe oj simson should have had it so he could have been released sooner to find the killer.
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Posted by edblysard on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 11:33 PM
I just want to know when my lasor pointer is going to be installed on my locomotive. I have no idea what its for, but I want one, so we can be sueed when it shines in someones eyes and causes retinal damage.
I wonder if these two know exactly how a train stops? Bet not.
Stay Frosty

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Posted by Mookie on Thursday, May 22, 2003 5:59 AM
I'm glad to see we haven't lost our funny bone in this pile of garbage.


She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, May 22, 2003 5:33 PM
Ed, you forgot stupid in your airline description. LOL. Come talk to me about airlines. I think your thougts are flawd if you think a lower flying airplane is safer. I know, your just kidding. This Missouri flake is something else, isn't he, she, or it.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, May 22, 2003 7:25 PM
ok.. hey.. i want to tie a set of Mircale Blades to my locomotive, right where the light should be, blade pointing out.. in case anyone gets to close.. they become human version of.. whats it called in English.. YOu know, Raw fi***hat Japaneese people eat.. i've forgotten the name..i know it in french.. but that doesn't help..

I'd also like to modify the wheels of my cars!, you know put spikes to the middle of them pointing out.. like they had in that movie.. Ben hur... at the big race...

Any other way i can get a law suit easily.. i got the:
laser pointer
Miracle blades (WON'T bend or become DULL!)
Wheel Spikes

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Posted by Mookie on Friday, May 23, 2003 5:50 AM
Kev - its sushi and we even have it here in Nebraska!

Give me a geography lesson - where in Canada are you - just the general location. I must admit I will have to get out my atlas, since I am not all that familiar with Canada. So help me out.


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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, May 23, 2003 8:28 AM
OK, welcome to kev's Geography class! it's the funnest class around!

Ok on a map, in Canada we have 10 provinces, and 3 Territories.. Soryy if you already knew this, there are some people who don't.. I am located in the province of Quebec (basically along the eastern seaboard) the province is huge on a map.. its impossible to miss. Then, most likely on any map.. they will have a blown up picture of Montreal.. I don't live far from Montreal, its about a 30 minute drive. So thats Genrally where i am located, The English Sector of Montreal, Quebec.

Home of the Montréal Canadiens! (hockey team)

SUSHI! that's the name i was looking for... I tried to look up the name for "eatable raw fish" last night, but to no success.. Thanks for helping me out in the english department.

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Posted by Mookie on Friday, May 23, 2003 8:54 AM
Were you born there?

She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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Posted by Mookie on Friday, May 23, 2003 8:57 AM
Got it! I used to watch the Canadiens play hockey all the time - I understand a little hockey, a lot of football, can follow a baseball game and hate basketball. Have even eaten a little sushi and it is pretty good -

Thanx for lesson - will add it to my book of knowledge.


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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, May 23, 2003 5:17 PM
You nailed it. There sure has been a lot of garbage piled on here lately - and not all from supposed lawyers. But its the lawyers who are laughing - all the way to the bank.

They'll keep on doing it too, until we wise up and demand that the hazards be removed. None of this is funny at all - though maybe we SHOULD just cool our jets a little!

We must all face facts. A truck, or any object, even a pedestrian, will take a certain amount of time to clear the crossing once it starts across. If they can't see a train coming that long before the train gets there, and are not otherwise warned, then its only a matter of time. Any amount of carefulness or studidity on the part of drivers and pedestrians is then absolutely irrelevent - AN ACCIDENT IS ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN. Only the timing of the accident and who gets killed is in question.

(Someone could pass around a "Football" pool and guess how long it will take - and which engineman is involved. But actually, anytime ANYBODY crosses such a "blind crossing", train or car, it's the same gamble - but with lives at stake instead of just money).

No matter how much we put down lawyers, tresspassers, idiot drivers, or anyone else, incuding this missouri person, or even me. WE AIN'T GONNA FAKE OUT MOTHER NATURE. Its the laws of physics that govern here - without mercy. Being that none of us is God, none of us are going to repeal natural law. - not even the lawyers! Or the politicans, or the stupid highway designers!

FIX THE G&*D@#& CROSSING. Then we can all sleep at night - and the lawyers will have fewer ambulances to chase.

And it doesn't matter to me who pays to fix it - railroad company or goverment; though it probably should be the jerks who put the crossing there in the first place, THE STATE!

Now hopefully everyone has their rant off their chests - and maybe we can all chill out and work together to solve stuff rather than just b@tch about it.


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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, May 23, 2003 8:29 PM

""""FIX THE G&*D@#& CROSSING.""""
open quote, close quote.

End of the Fekin sotry
CHEERS to you RmC!!

p.s No, Jen, sadly, i was Born in Toronto... not that i want any ties with that place. ;)
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, May 23, 2003 8:34 PM
hey this isn't me... what's up with my name.. why am i logged in as somone else.. is the server alright?
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, May 23, 2003 8:36 PM
Rick how did i log in under your name?
maybe somehting on the web site messed up?

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