Loading New Software "Hint"

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Loading New Software "Hint"
Posted by wallywalkabout on Thursday, May 1, 2003 7:22 PM
Here is a hint for loading new software into your computer. BEFORE you put the new software disc into your computer, complete the following; 1st do a Ctl/Alt/Del, then highlite and close every program listed by left clicking on "End Task". DO NOT CLOSE "EXPLORER"!!! You will have to do a Ctl/Alt/Del and "End Task" for each program listed EXCEPT "EXPLORER". Some programs may take more than one try to "End Task". When you have only "Explorer" left, THEN put your disc, for the new program that you want to install, into your computer and proceed to load your new program. Some programs have conflicts with other programs AND you will not get a clean load. By eliminating all possible conflicts BEFORE you load a new program, you've up-your-odds for a more sucessful loading of a new program.

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