QUOTE: Originally posted by bbrant I do have to ask this. If Amtrak can't be profitable as a private company, then why should anyone be in favor of the government continually putting money - our money - into something that isn't profitable? Not trying to start anything, just asking. Brian
-Don (Random stuff, mostly about trains - what else? http://blerfblog.blogspot.com/)
QUOTE: But what private company in their right mind is going to take it on? That statement is oxymoronic.
QUOTE: Originally posted by bbrant QUOTE: Originally posted by Modelcar ...As stated above..." trainoffs and other service cutbacks".....by the Adminsistration are not hard to believe....They are completely against this country having a rail passenger system...{maybe the exception is at campaign time when they like to climb on a train, etc....}. One way or another, they will get it done...{kill the system}. Thanks for term limits. Quentin - I disagree. I think the Bush Administration is for a national rail passenger system that's more privatized and less reliant on govenrment funding. Brian
QUOTE: Originally posted by Modelcar ...As stated above..." trainoffs and other service cutbacks".....by the Adminsistration are not hard to believe....They are completely against this country having a rail passenger system...{maybe the exception is at campaign time when they like to climb on a train, etc....}. One way or another, they will get it done...{kill the system}. Thanks for term limits.
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QUOTE: Originally posted by jeaton QUOTE: Originally posted by Dutchrailnut Maybe Vranich can run the job, he has been telling everyone in USA how Amtrak is F**k**p and how he would change things;-) No doubt he would an excellent choice. He sure can talk the talk and that is all that is required these days.
QUOTE: Originally posted by Dutchrailnut Maybe Vranich can run the job, he has been telling everyone in USA how Amtrak is F**k**p and how he would change things;-)
QUOTE: Originally posted by bbrant Figures the Times would have such an article. They'll print anything to make Bush look bad. Just so happens that Amtrak is there most recent way of doing so. Oh well, liberalism always generates the exact opposite of it's stated intent.
"We have met the enemy and he is us." Pogo Possum "We have met the anemone... and he is Russ." Bucky Katt "Prediction is very difficult, especially if it's about the future." Niels Bohr, Nobel laureate in physics
QUOTE: Originally posted by bbrant QUOTE: And why should Bush care? Him and his rich cronies have their SUV and limo convoys they can ride around in. They certainly wouldn't lower themselves to use PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION. Gunn was the best man available for the job, but since he wouldn't get on board with the plan to bury Amtrak, he's history. Maybe he'll shut down the Northeast Corridor and take the whole area from gridlock to parking lot. When was the last time any president used public transportation, Amtrak or otherwise. Don't you think that they ride in special SUVs and limos for a reason?!?
QUOTE: And why should Bush care? Him and his rich cronies have their SUV and limo convoys they can ride around in. They certainly wouldn't lower themselves to use PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION. Gunn was the best man available for the job, but since he wouldn't get on board with the plan to bury Amtrak, he's history. Maybe he'll shut down the Northeast Corridor and take the whole area from gridlock to parking lot.
QUOTE: Originally posted by Big_Boy_4005 By the way people, my previous comments were not about party politics or liberalism vs conservatism. This country is supposed to belong to the people, not just the wealthy people. These are my observations and impressions of the person in the White House. The person this country supposedly elected to represent them. The rest of the world is learning to hate us, and with good cause. He has managed to paint a target on us and weaken us with both his foreign and domestic policy, all the while lining his and his friend's pockets with taxpayer dollars. It really bugs me when people get so hung up on one party or the other, that they can't see the big picture. Both parties are the same, stupid and self serving. Ask yourself this honestly, Do you believe there is one member of congress who votes only for what the people need, and not for what they want to make them look good? If you aren't outraged by the current administration's behavior, make an appointment for a CT scan.
QUOTE: From Funk And Wagnalls: Lib-er-al (we know how to pronounce it) Free from narrowness, bigotry, or bondage to authority or creed, as in religion; inclined to democratic or republican ideas, as opposed to monarchical or aristocratic, as in politics; broad; popular; progressive So you're saying that we're being led by "monarchial or aristocratic" leaders not "inclined to democratic or republican ideas." Couldn't agree more.
QUOTE: Originally posted by bbrant QUOTE: Originally posted by Big_Boy_4005 So, let me see if I have this straight. The constituents of the current administration are, Haliburton, oil companies, airlines, railroads, other big business, cronies, suck ups, and anyone with money, or without a brain. I see how he got elected without my vote. I guess Mr Gunn doesn't fit into any of the perfered catagories, making him expendable. Wake up people, this is our country he's destroying.[:(!][:(!][:(!][V][V][V][:(][banghead][banghead][X-)][censored][sigh] More proof the liberal left is coming unglued. How can you see that cutting funding HELPS Amtrak. And if Gunn had to go, then that rests with the powers that be - not you or I.
QUOTE: Originally posted by Big_Boy_4005 So, let me see if I have this straight. The constituents of the current administration are, Haliburton, oil companies, airlines, railroads, other big business, cronies, suck ups, and anyone with money, or without a brain. I see how he got elected without my vote. I guess Mr Gunn doesn't fit into any of the perfered catagories, making him expendable. Wake up people, this is our country he's destroying.[:(!][:(!][:(!][V][V][V][:(][banghead][banghead][X-)][censored][sigh]
QUOTE: Originally posted by dharmon SWEET......It's the bi-monthly doom/gloom Amtrak is going to die, Amtrak hater vs. you can't be a railfan if you don't like Amtrak, let's bash Bu***hread...only we get two this week.....
QUOTE: Originally posted by dharmon SWEET......It's the bi-monthly doom/gloom Amtrak is going to die, Amtrak hater vs. you can't be a railfan if you don't like Amtrak, let's bash Bu***hread...only we get two this week..... Unfortunately it's not going to go. It will continue to exist like a coma patient. If it were up to me, I'd just pull the plug and let it go. Use the money to subsize or support regional transportaion initiatives that support the need of the regional customers, be it rail, air, road or donkey. Regional/commuter rail works...VRE, NEC, Coaster, Metrolink, TRE.....even Amtrak's Downeaster (a service created by demand of real users, not nostalgic foamers)..these are success stories. If government money is to be used to subsidize passenger rail, it should be run by the regions using it, not Amtrak. And long distance trains.....well leave that up to tour operators..if there is a market, the market will bear it out. If it's HSR you want...build it from the ground up and exclusive, not some rework of existing tracks. As for the airlines and roads vs. Amtrak.....subsidies and such...these are what the people want and use and are critcial to the nation's economy, so will and should be funded accordingly. Amtrak doesn't even come close to measuring. It is not critcal to the economy, nor national defense. I am for passenger rail. But Amtrak, isn't the answer. Dan A REAL AMERICAN ALSO..who thinks Amtrak's time has come.
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