Palmyra, NY railhead

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Palmyra, NY railhead
Posted by streamline j1e on Tuesday, February 22, 2005 10:23 AM
I am looking for information on a section of the NYCRR watyer level route.
The section is of the Palmyra, NY railhead from 1904-the beginings of the deasel era. The m-p are cp350-cp346[these are the post of the now csxt Rochester Route. The only map I have of the area is a 1904 cica property map of Palmyra,NY and it shows that going east the 4 track main widens to a 6 track section with a multi-track interlocking , apassenger station, a freight station, canning factory, and a pickle plant. If anyone can help me find out what the other structors are and the frequency of trains through there, it would be helpful thank you.

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