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Railroads Should Rebuild Locomotives Than Shipping
Railroads Should Rebuild Locomotives Than Shipping
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Railroads Should Rebuild Locomotives Than Shipping
Posted by
on Friday, July 5, 2002 10:24 PM
I heard the BNSF and other railroad are disposing their older locomotive and shipping the to the scrapper. I wi***hat would never happen. Just amagine that you are the old locomotive and the locomtive is the you and they are sending you to death. How would you feel? Hey, I'm only 15 years old. I don't like when railroad throw away their older locomotives. Why can't they rebuild them to last another 20 years. The diesel is very expensive too and they should put in a catapiller engine to save fuel. And they don't have a conditioner, why don't you install it. You want to know the answer my friend? BECAUSE OF MONEY!! I want them to live as long as they can BNSF 52 B30-7A's they're going to the scapper in Portland, OR. I live 120 miles east of portland. where i lived, BNSF predessessor Burlington sevred Goldendale, Washington (that's where i live) To me my dream is to have a fancy railroad musem and have the old locomtives that are going to the scrap yard. And have the railroad donated their locomotives. Me and my friend Charles our dream is too preserve every model that is going to the scrap like Amtrak's F40's UP's Tunnel Motors and BNSF B30-7A's. Give me your suggustion when you have the time. Thank You.
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