QUOTE: Originally posted by CSXrules4eva I agree if they want to clear the road that goes over the tracks they need to take into condiseration what happened here. Railroad X ing equipment needs to be 100 percent reliable to motorist and train crews. Espually, motorists since many of them don't have common sence when it comes to grade Xings. If they have to maintain that equipment by putting salt and plowing the xing by hand that is what must be done. BUT, unfortunitly CSX isn't going to want to shovel and salt the Xing by hand. Here are some reasons why : 1 The railroad doesn't want to be resoponsible if a train comes thru the Xing and one of the hired shovelers and salters gets struck by a train. 2 they don't want a "simple" thing like taking time to put salt and shovel the Xing causeing extra delays to their trains. 3 CSX doesn't want to pay the workers or the people they hired just to put salt down and such. All of this would cost CSX money!!!!!!! They don't want to lose that.
Never too old to have a happy childhood!
QUOTE: The conventional track circuit technology isn't going to change, and it effects signals as well as road crossings. The conventional salting of roads isn't going to change either.
QUOTE: Originally posted by Richard A Read the story at this link first http://www.democratandchronicle.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050129/NEWS01/501290332 Of note is the sharing of current maps and map upgrades of grade crossings, roads, and tracks.
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