They found it!!!

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, December 30, 2004 9:55 AM
I also found this on the internet and was considering posting it, but I guess you beat me to it. It's really great to see that efforts are being made to preserve this very historic and important locomotive. It always makes me very happy to hear stories about trains being rescued from abandonment or the scrap yard for preservation, but when it's an engine like this, it is really fantastic! As for pictures, go to the link mentioned in the news article: It gives all the details of the project and you can make donations. I wi***hose involved with this project the very best of luck in their efforts!
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They found it!!!
Posted by mucable on Thursday, December 30, 2004 8:55 AM
According to the Manchester Guardian, the search for the famous meter-gauge steam engine 'Argentina' has succeeded:,,1379887,00.html

I wi***here were some pictures to accompany the story, but I'm glad that it will be preserved and apparently improved according to the text.

I remember hearing about this search effort a few years back; apparently sticking with it does pay off sometimes!

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