Nobel Prize winnder Rainer Weiss

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Nobel Prize winnder Rainer Weiss
Posted by daveklepper on Saturday, October 7, 2017 1:11 PM

Rainer developed the technology to find and measure Gravitational Waves that were predicted by Einstein.

Rainer was my best friend my ages 10 -14.  He was a partner in the HO layout in my parents' home's basement, and it was from the windoiw of his parents' Central Park West apartment that we could watch single EF-3s pull 100-car freight trains over Hell Gate Bridge.  We both loved classical music.  We made one or two subway trips to Coney Island, using different routes, and enjoyed the dodgem cars, roller coaster, and steeplechase there.

He lost interest in railroads before entering MIT, did not participate in the railroad club started by Dick Seeley, Stan Barriger, and me, nor in Tech Model Railroad Club.  We saw very little of each other there.

I've had a little correspondance with him sinice moving to Israel, and have sent a regular airmail congratulatory letter, and hope to get a reply.

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