Hunter Harrison

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Posted by jeffhergert on Friday, July 21, 2017 6:51 PM

Electroliner 1935


Bruce Kelly
Railway Age editor Bill Vantuono summarizes the recent developments here:  


Hunter did away with the rule banning getting off moving equipment. He currently has a team working on a design to single-track from Albany, N.Y. to Chicago.”

Illinois Central again.

Look out Amtrak. 


I've read that CSX has also banned the use of brake sticks and ended their napping policy.


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Posted by BaltACD on Friday, July 21, 2017 6:10 PM

Electroliner 1935
Bruce Kelly

Plan - he don't need no stinkin' four letter that he doesn't understand.

Where do trains get delayed - Yards - do away with them.
Where do trains get delayed - Passing Sidings - do away with them.

Run 1 train from Albany to Chicago today; after it arrives Chicago run a train from Chicago to Albany.  It will only be about 100K or 120K long, no problem.

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Posted by Electroliner 1935 on Friday, July 21, 2017 3:58 PM

Bruce Kelly
Railway Age editor Bill Vantuono summarizes the recent developments here:  

Hunter did away with the rule banning getting off moving equipment. He currently has a team working on a design to single-track from Albany, N.Y. to Chicago.”

Illinois Central again.

Look out Amtrak. 

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Posted by Steve Sweeney on Friday, July 21, 2017 3:40 PM


Sometimes we have bad days. On those days we turn to people, places, and things that give us comfort. Railroading gives some of us comfort. Please don't make a pesky situation worse by making demands or poking each other. 

In other words, please cool it.


Steve Sweeney
Digital Editor, Hobby 

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Posted by schlimm on Friday, July 21, 2017 3:32 PM

Shadow the Cats owner
So Kiss my butt I have bigger fish to deal with than you being upset over a few words that don't hurt anyone I hear a lot worse than this everyday from my coworkers

It's not about academia or PC, it's called manners and civil public discourse.  You can use whatever vulgar, gutter language you want with co-workers and your family, but I for one will not tolerate it directed at me or others on this forum.  Check the Forum Rules.

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Posted by BaltACD on Friday, July 21, 2017 3:28 PM

Shadow the Cats owner
Schlimm not everyone speaks perfect PC and I am not talking computer speak on a daily basis that I have to deal with.  If I triggered you in any way I apologise however you also need to grow a spine also.  I just got dressed down by my boss for a screwup that I should have caught and it cost us close to 20 grand in an overcharge on fuel for this quarter.  So Kiss my butt I have bigger fish to deal with than you being upset over a few words that don't hurt anyone I hear a lot worse than this everyday from my coworkers but then I do not work in acedemia either.

No problems with me.  Tame in the REAL railroad setting.

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Posted by Shadow the Cats owner on Friday, July 21, 2017 3:25 PM

Schlimm not everyone speaks perfect PC and I am not talking computer speak on a daily basis that I have to deal with.  If I triggered you in any way I apologise however you also need to grow a spine also.  I just got dressed down by my boss for a screwup that I should have caught and it cost us close to 20 grand in an overcharge on fuel for this quarter.  So Kiss my butt I have bigger fish to deal with than you being upset over a few words that don't hurt anyone I hear a lot worse than this everyday from my coworkers but then I do not work in acedemia either.


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Posted by BaltACD on Friday, July 21, 2017 3:24 PM

Shadow the Cats owner
No way in hell are they going to put up with his crap and will make it known to which ever VP of Marketing they deal with directly.  The rate he is going at is going to make the meltdown of the UP in 96 look like a fart in the wind. 

Is it possible for you to be less vulgar?

Standard 'cleaned up' crew room discourse.

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Posted by schlimm on Friday, July 21, 2017 3:12 PM

Shadow the Cats owner
No way in hell are they going to put up with his crap and will make it known to which ever VP of Marketing they deal with directly.  The rate he is going at is going to make the meltdown of the UP in 96 look like a fart in the wind.

Is it possible for you to be less vulgar?

C&NW, CA&E, MILW, CGW and IC fan

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Posted by Shadow the Cats owner on Friday, July 21, 2017 2:57 PM

This is coming from an OTR carriers viewpoint and one that is also a Railroad customer for bulk resins we ship.  If EHH does what he wants to the old Water Level route aka Single Track it he can kiss UPS Fed Ex JB Hunt Swift Schiender and just about every single major IM customer that there is goodbye forever.  No way in hell are they going to put up with his crap and will make it known to which ever VP of Marketing they deal with directly.  The rate he is going at is going to make the meltdown of the UP in 96 look like a fart in the wind.  You clog up the NE your going to get the Big Boys in Washington DC looking at your operations and telling you how to run them.  He may end up reregulating the industry on his own.

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Posted by Norm48327 on Friday, July 21, 2017 2:46 PM


It is my opinion that Harrison has been "bought and paid for" for the solitatry purpose of incrteasing the value of CSX stock to benefit the investors. Hedge funds operate on the priciple of getting the money now and couldn't care less if the corporation survives. Should they win, CSX will be a shadow of it's former self and many short lines may benefit.

Five will get you ten there will be a day of reckonoing in which both employees and shareholders suffer losses. Think back to yesteryear when Carl Ichan destroyed corporations in the name of profits. i suspect the plays of that era are still used to kill corporations. Hunter and his ilk may leave CSX destitute and having the need for rail transportation may find the taxpayer footing the bill for it's resurgence. Greed knows no end.


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Posted by Bruce Kelly on Friday, July 21, 2017 2:02 PM

Railway Age editor Bill Vantuono summarizes the recent developments here:


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Posted by SD70M-2Dude on Friday, July 21, 2017 12:20 AM


Now it seems we have people who have spent more time being furloughed than working since they were hired.  It has happened a few times where they kept on hiring, even though they didn't have any work for them.  The new-hires would graduate the training program, be promoted to conductor and get furloughed.  (At least the last time they hired, they cancelled a class of new-hires before they left their other jobs.) 

This happened a lot on CN over the past three years, ever since oil prices dropped.  Business picked up again this winter, everyone was recalled (many didn't come back, surprise surprise) and they are hiring again.  At least now there is enough traffic to justify the hiring, and many terminals are short so there will be work for the new hires once they qualify, it just might not be at their home terminal.

Greetings from Alberta

-an Articulate Malcontent

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Posted by jeffhergert on Thursday, July 20, 2017 11:16 PM



Murphy Siding
I wonder if the subsequent management will rush to rehire the best of whom HH fired? 

In past years CSX has furloughed T&E personnel, expecting 80-90% of those furloughed to return when the call was given.  Reality began to hit home when only 10-20% of those furloughed returned when called.

I expect, if new management after EHH tries to recall the personnel that EHH threw away, very few if any would return to CSX. 

Where did the rest go? To other railroads or other careers?


Truthfully I don't know where they went - I suspect most moved on to other career paths.  Forced short term employment among 'entry level' positions tends to leave a bad taste in peoples mouth about the company that let them go.


The railroads used to hire people right out of high school.  People that didn't have families to support and could weather a furlough better.  (I know of one railroad that had 35 has the age limit for those with no prior railroad experience, 45 with experience.)   Now they want people who have either at least a few years of either attending school or work experience.  They view those a little older, maybe with a family, has being more stable.  Those people have a harder time being furloughed and then called back.  If they can find good jobs elsewhere, it's harder to come back even though the railroad might be better in the long run. 

Plus, I think the periods of being furloughed are longer.  I was warned many, many years ago to expect to be furloughed/called back often for the first 5 or so years.  As time moved on I could expect to work more and be furloughed less until finally being able to work year round.  (In actual practice, I was lucky, I've never been cut off.)  Now it seems we have people who have spent more time being furloughed than working since they were hired.  It has happened a few times where they kept on hiring, even though they didn't have any work for them.  The new-hires would graduate the training program, be promoted to conductor and get furloughed.  (At least the last time they hired, they cancelled a class of new-hires before they left their other jobs.)  There has been talk off and on that we were going to hire again in my area, but no one knows why.  I've heard they like to have a ready reserve to call back to work, but they have about the same recall level that others have pointed out.  


PS.  Some have gone to work for other railroads while furloughed from the class 1s.  Now some railroads will only hire those who agree to give up their class 1 seniority/recall rights. 

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Posted by blue streak 1 on Thursday, July 20, 2017 7:49 PM

Speculation again,  When HH first took over the trains were running with more power than before but as time has gone on the power situation actually is that trains appear here to have less HP per ton than before HH.  Could it be that the locos were run out of their 92 / 184 day inspections and those to be parked were then parked with expired 92 / 184 inspections ? 

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Posted by BaltACD on Thursday, July 20, 2017 6:07 PM


Management created a bad situation and then blamed the Union for the result. 

Unfortunately that ain't just a CSX problem.  Happens all the time.  And unfortunately those who aren't in the know (board of directors, shareholders, the public) will believe them.

The A hole that created the situation, that I am sure cost well over $1M, got promoted - after he announced to his superiors 'I can't manage all these people'.  Go Figure!  Fully aware of the Peter Principle.

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Posted by SD70M-2Dude on Thursday, July 20, 2017 5:34 PM

Murphy Siding
I wonder if the subsequent management will rush to rehire the best of whom HH fired? 

In past years CSX has furloughed T&E personnel, expecting 80-90% of those furloughed to return when the call was given.  Reality began to hit home when only 10-20% of those furloughed returned when called.

I expect, if new management after EHH tries to recall the personnel that EHH threw away, very few if any would return to CSX. 

Where did the rest go? To other railroads or other careers?

Truthfully I don't know where they went - I suspect most moved on to other career paths.  Forced short term employment among 'entry level' positions tends to leave a bad taste in peoples mouth about the company that let them go.

The same thing happened at CN and CP.  Both ran out of people when traffic picked up and desperately hired pretty much anyone who showed up for an interview, and still couldn't get enough. 


Management created a bad situation and then blamed the Union for the result.

Unfortunately that ain't just a CSX problem.  Happens all the time.  And unfortunately those who aren't in the know (board of directors, shareholders, the public) will believe them.

Greetings from Alberta

-an Articulate Malcontent

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Posted by BaltACD on Thursday, July 20, 2017 11:23 AM


Given the uncertantiy laid off employees face would you blame them for seeking other more stable employment if there is such a thing in this day and age? Sure, being a "rail" pays well but if the paycheck is not consistent what degree of security does it offer?

Harrison is not for the people who run the trains, nor is he favoable to yardmasters who put forth both time and effort to keep the railroad runninf smoothly. His only interest appears to be the benefit of the stockholders.

He may have plans, but will they work with as a convolutes system such as CSX that involves many coal branches? That remains to be seen. IMO, some of his changes fly in the face of logic. Moving dispatchers from the territory they know to Jacksonville is one I question. 

Can't blame furloughed employees for taking other employment - they have family's to feed.

Having worked in both the Centralized and de-centralized formats of dispatching, the primary difference was the increased level of conflict at division end points.  In the centralized configuration dispatchers could work with each other, face to face, to solve the issues.  When you go de-centralized and the dispatchers (or other Division personnel) have to resort to telephones - there is a whole level if distrust and combativeness that works it's way into the issues and makes an equitable solution to the situation more difficult.  

The act of learning territory for todays railroads does not involve the intracicys of physical characteristics that had to be accounted for in the Timetable & Train Order form of dispatching.  The big dispatching considerations today are where are the grade and where are the 'open spaces' that a train of X size can be stopped without blocking road crossings.

In the prior Centralization at Jacksonville at one point in time MANAGEMENT made a major mistake - Management decided to eliminate Division based extra dispatcher boards and replace them with a System Board.  Once that action worked its way through the various labor boards and was found to be inviolation of the ATDA Contract and the Division Boards had to be reestablished by putting each of the Division Boards up for bid.  When that happened, many people bid to Division they had not been previously working or qualified on.  This then created the situation where to get a qualified extra dispatcher on a particular position, they had to be pulled from a division other than the one where the vacancy existed, therefore the extra dispatcher had to be paid 'penalty rate' for 'working off his assigned division'.  Management created a bad situation and then blamed the Union for the result.

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Posted by Deggesty on Thursday, July 20, 2017 10:44 AM

The moved dispatchers will remain in charge of the same territories; only the locations of their working places are changed.


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Posted by Norm48327 on Thursday, July 20, 2017 10:40 AM


Given the uncertantiy laid off employees face would you blame them for seeking other more stable employment if there is such a thing in this day and age? Sure, being a "rail" pays well but if the paycheck is not consistent what degree of security does it offer?

Harrison is not for the people who run the trains, nor is he favoable to yardmasters who put forth both time and effort to keep the railroad runninf smoothly. His only interest appears to be the benefit of the stockholders.

He may have plans, but will they work with as a convolutes system such as CSX that involves many coal branches? That remains to be seen. IMO, some of his changes fly in the face of logic. Moving dispatchers from the territory they know to Jacksonville is one I question.


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Posted by RME on Thursday, July 20, 2017 10:19 AM

Murphy Siding
Where do you unload 900 to 1,000 locomotives in a fire sale?

Believe what he means for most of them is 'mothballing' - most probably 'stored serviceable' but laid up in the same sort of long lines you see for UP locomotives.

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Posted by BaltACD on Thursday, July 20, 2017 8:44 AM

Murphy Siding
I wonder if the subsequent management will rush to rehire the best of whom HH fired? 

In past years CSX has furloughed T&E personnel, expecting 80-90% of those furloughed to return when the call was given.  Reality began to hit home when only 10-20% of those furloughed returned when called.

I expect, if new management after EHH tries to recall the personnel that EHH threw away, very few if any would return to CSX. 

Where did the rest go? To other railroads or other careers?

Truthfully I don't know where they went - I suspect most moved on to other career paths.  Forced short term employment among 'entry level' positions tends to leave a bad taste in peoples mouth about the company that let them go.

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Posted by Murphy Siding on Thursday, July 20, 2017 8:40 AM

[quote user="tree68"]

Me thinks this paragraph from the linked article is extremely telling:

The drop in expenses is the result of CSX thinning its locomotive fleet.......... The fleet has been trimmed by 900 locomotives and could be trimmed 100 more.

Where do you unload 900 to 1,000 locomotives in a fire sale?

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Posted by Murphy Siding on Thursday, July 20, 2017 8:38 AM

I wonder if the subsequent management will rush to rehire the best of whom HH fired?


In past years CSX has furloughed T&E personnel, expecting 80-90% of those furloughed to return when the call was given.  Reality began to hit home when only 10-20% of those furloughed returned when called.

I expect, if new management after EHH tries to recall the personnel that EHH threw away, very few if any would return to CSX.


Where did the rest go? To other railroads or other careers?

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Posted by Murphy Siding on Thursday, July 20, 2017 8:37 AM

blue streak 1

Even though the stock may go up a little more is it time to bail if you own CSX stock ?.



I suppose it depends on whether you own stock for long term investment purposes or for short term gambling reasons. If it's for the latter, yes- seel today so you can get in on the ground floor of some other get-rich-quick scheme. Whistling

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Posted by Murphy Siding on Thursday, July 20, 2017 8:30 AM



Should also have a rule of no personal oxygen tanks on company property.


Which just morphs into a new perk of company owned oxygen tanks for upper echelon corporate big wigs. Mischief


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Posted by BaltACD on Thursday, July 20, 2017 8:10 AM

I wonder if the subsequent management will rush to rehire the best of whom HH fired?

In past years CSX has furloughed T&E personnel, expecting 80-90% of those furloughed to return when the call was given.  Reality began to hit home when only 10-20% of those furloughed returned when called.

I expect, if new management after EHH tries to recall the personnel that EHH threw away, very few if any would return to CSX.

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Posted by tree68 on Thursday, July 20, 2017 7:17 AM

Me thinks this paragraph from the linked article is extremely telling:


The drop in expenses is the result of CSX thinning its locomotive fleet, workforce and hump yards, and Harrison said more cuts are still to come. The fleet has been trimmed by 900 locomotives and could be trimmed 100 more. The workforce has lost 2,300 employees and could lose 700 more. The railroad started the year with 12 hump yards and could end with three, Harrison estimated. Other efficiencies include lengthening trains and bringing contracted work back in house.[quote]

Considering what we're seeing reported about operations headed for the toilet, I have to wonder how much of the increase in profits is truly due to improved efficiency and how much is simply due to not spending as much money on things like people and equipment.

Sounds like smoke and mirrors to me.  Perhaps EHH has met his match.  That he only plans to stay long enough to "improve" the property smacks of "get as much out of it as possible."

We can only hope that his tenure is extremely short, so the people who really know how to run CSX can get back to work (or get rehired).

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Posted by daveklepper on Thursday, July 20, 2017 3:07 AM

I wonder if the subsequent management will rush to rehire the best of whom HH fired?

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Posted by SD70M-2Dude on Thursday, July 20, 2017 1:37 AM


Very interesting. So he does not expect to stay much longer. Thats kind of big news. 

Perhaps he's realized that this gig's harder than he thought?

Also has Mantle Ridge sold out yet?

Greetings from Alberta

-an Articulate Malcontent

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