QUOTE: Originally posted by tomtrain I don't see all this ingenuity as coming out of diversity. I see it as the fruit of freedom. Thank you for your observations.
QUOTE: Originally posted by daveklepper There are a number of safe nuclear options that are being developed, and they would require the power to be used by electricity. Some have the potential to really bring down electric power costs greatly. This can explain why GM is pushing Hydrogen and fuel cells. Battery use of this cheap electricity would be far more efficient and practical. Range? Poor range with electric cars? Instead of a slow overnight charge just to go 250 miles, you simply pull up to a filling station, your spent but rechargeable battery is slid out and a freshly charged one is lid in, and off you go for another 250 miles. With today's technology. So, I am writing the GM CEO asking, that on the basis of the very thorough evaluation of fuel cells and Hydrogen by the City College of NY Physics Department, that the 500 engineers he has working on Hydrogen - fule cell cars be reassigned to something useful. I'll try and make the letter polite. Of course if any of these nuclear power generation systems have practical breakthroughs soon, it good really spur railway electriciation and a rteal modernization of the nations power network.. That would also solve the railway capacity problem. But what about the loss of coal revenue? Hauling nuclear waste instead? To the safe sites? But some of these systems have very little waste,m the radioactivity gets all used up usefully! For one website that may occasionally enlighten on nuclear power, try www.mit.edu
QUOTE: If there is one thing I know about this country: that when the desire and the need meet with the purpose and a little fear, Money is rarely a problem.
QUOTE: Originally posted by 440cuin The easiest way to reduce polutants is to burn cleaner diesel fuel .
QUOTE: Originally posted by Junctionfan Here is a link for a more accurate description on Ontario's interest in the technology. http://www.globaltech.ca/news.htm BTW-I think I might want to get their calender.[:D]
QUOTE: Originally posted by carnej1 I wonder how the SRC process compares in fuel cost per kilowatt with Natural Gas(which as everyone here in the Northeast with gas heat is all too aware off, continues to increase in price)? I imagine that this involves some speculation as the process doesn't sound like it's in large enough usage currently to be economically viable. Another thought, could a gas producer firebox be designed to burn this and provide producer gas for use in a modified diesel or gas turbine? Would this be cost competitive with Diesel fuel for transportation(i.e railroad locomotive) usage? I imagine it wouldn't be TIER 2 compliant................................
"I Often Dream of Trains"-From the Album of the Same Name by Robyn Hitchcock
QUOTE: Originally posted by Junctionfan I'm not sure it's possible without shooting themselves in the foot in terms of effecting profits from coal and fossil fuels of which coal is their more profitable commodities. Electrification is the closest I would say that the railroads could do. Using my ideas, this would quell the those pesky environmentalist and still be cheap for the railroad. I'll explain more if required but I am have to go to a business meeting at my club.
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