Oil Train

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Posted by Euclid on Saturday, March 5, 2016 9:59 AM

You're both missing the key point here -- interestingly, although the report goes into some discussion of it, it's pretty evident the reporter doesn't really understand what's involved, and goes into the detail that in part is confusing Euclid (some of which appears to me to have some political aspects, perhaps talking up Administration policies and actions that turn out to have little if anything to do either with the proximate cause of the derailment or any practical measures to prevent a repetition, but I digress slightly)*. 

I do not understand what point you think I am missing, nor anything else in the above quoted portion of your post.  I simply asked this question:   “If the type and size of rail defect was known to be not in danger of breaking, why did it break?”
Here is the point of that question from the report:
“The size of a rail defect determines if mitigation is required by FRA regulation. The suspected rail defect that failed at the point of derailment was a 5 percent reverse detail fracture. Historically, regulations have not considered 5 percent reverse detail fractures to be a defect subject to complete failure prior to progressing to a larger size.”
I conclude that the part in red was the justification for not repairing the defect as soon as it was detected.  Obviously the justification was wrong. 
The report seems to confirm that the justification was wrong with this quote (with my emphasis in red):
“The RSAC adopted the Rail Failure Working Group recommendations on April 16, 2014. The final recommendations developed with industry and other stakeholders formed a consensus document of best practices or guidelines to manage the risks related to rail wear and rolling contact fatigue.  Before the guidelines were implemented by CSX, the Lynchburg accident occurred; if they had been implemented, this accident would likely have been prevented.”
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Posted by Wizlish on Saturday, March 5, 2016 9:28 AM

You're both missing the key point here -- interestingly, although the report goes into some discussion of it, it's pretty evident the reporter doesn't really understand what's involved, and goes into the detail that in part is confusing Euclid (some of which appears to me to have some political aspects, perhaps talking up Administration policies and actions that turn out to have little if anything to do either with the proximate cause of the derailment or any practical measures to prevent a repetition, but I digress slightly)*.

This was a REVERSE DETAIL FRACTURE, originating on the underside of the railhead and with little, if any likelihood of being caused by any aspect of properly-defined rolling contact fatigue.  There is specific mention of how difficult detection of this kind of defect is (relative to things like gauge-corner cracking, shelling/flaking, and other aspects that can be scanned or monitored easily by devices and techniques for the actual 'rolling contact' stressed areas.  There is a mention -- only as a reference to something I haven't found yet -- that a "20% defect" turned up in the ultrasound records, but this seems to have transmogrified into only 5% in some later parts of the discussion (one being the detail about 25-mph train speed not constituting excessive for a defect of the claimed magnitude).  The report also mentions something about RDF tending to cause a more likely catastrophic progression to breakage, although I saw no source reference -- I'm not really concerned because buslist and perhaps others can easily provide the references or summarize them for us.

What I am concerned about here is that the discussion about 'harmonic loading' or special stresses set up, or supposedly set up, by unit oil train consists will be re-opened with the excuse that such factors mitigate some 'greater likelihood of RDF' (I am not sure what physical argument would be used, and I'm not saying there can't be one, just that it is MUCH less likely than the stated probable cause, a fabrication or handling defect in the lower 'corner' of the railhead that propagated and then proceeded quickly to failure).

The great red flag here is that it opens up a whole new can of worms to people who are concerned about track integrity, particularly insofar as there appears to be no effective testing for RDF defects or crack progression other than interpretation of data whose methodology, processing, and interpretation is largely skewed in favor of RCC analysis.  God help us if Schanoes' 'Schumenthal' gets hold of this as a place to enforce new regulations, or FRA decides more oversight procedures to detect RDF should be mandated as emergency orders or whatever.  On the other hand... yes, I think this MIGHT need to be more carefully detected and tracked.

*And before any of the usual suspects start whining about 'experts' having worded everything in this report, consider the last part, which says

For more details about this accident, visit [this is all one line in the original, of course] and search for NTSB accident ID DCA14FR001.
Follow the link given ... and it is broken.  Follow the cited accident ID in their search ... and it maps to a BART incident, almost as far away as you could get and still be in the Continental United States... that is not much indication of 'expert' presentation or oversight, let alone editing before release or even elementary checking.
EDIT -- Pulling a few teeth, it appears the correct accident ID for the docket material ends in 8, not 1.: Here is a direct link to the materials:
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Posted by dehusman on Saturday, March 5, 2016 7:40 AM

If the type and size of rail defect was known to be not in danger of breaking, why did it break?

That's not what the report said, what the report said was that those types of defects were not considered serious enough to fail.  That means in most cases they don't progress to failure, this one did.  There doesn't appear to be any obvious reason documented why it failed.  The anwer probably has to do with a combination of the specific metalurgy of the rail at that point, combined with the specific stresses on the rail.  Replicating that specific set of circumstances would be very difficult.

Bottom line is that the train being an oil train had nothing specific to do with the cause of the derailment.  It was a broken rail.

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Posted by Euclid on Friday, March 4, 2016 9:47 PM
The news reporting in this article and in the earlier preliminary release from the NTSB last summer has been very difficult to comprehend.  There were parts of that news last summer about the crew of a passing train hearing strange sounds in passing the rail defect.  I never saw any clarification of that rather provocative information.  Also included with that news release was a long and highly detailed interview relating to those in charge of repairing the rail defect.   
The article I linked above is the most incomprehensible explanation I have ever heard.  The way to explain something complex is to start with the overview, and then give the details.  That way, someone hearing the details can tell where they are headed. 
The writer of this article starts by piling up details in all directions with no indication of how they fit together or where they lead.  Then it ends there, and the writer starts describing other train wrecks.  After that, he comes back and starts linking all the tangle of details of the Lynchburg wreck which he left piled up at the beginning. 
The NTSB report is clearer to follow through the rather complex set of factors, but it ends before answering this question:
If the type and size of rail defect was known to be not in danger of breaking, why did it break?
Also, there was news at some point that assured us that the NTSB would examine this wreck in full detail with complete 3D scanning of all of the wreckage accompanied by detailed explanation of how it all happened. 
I do not see anything in the final report approaching that level of information.  Interestingly, only one tank car ruptured.
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Posted by Euclid on Thursday, March 3, 2016 6:13 PM
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Posted by Euclid on Sunday, November 8, 2015 7:34 PM
Like the one that you describe, the derailed dragging events that somehow manage to rerail and keep going are an interesting variety.  Here is one from the monthly tabulation of train accidents in the U.S. published in the Railroad Gazette.  This one did enough damage to derail the next train: 
January 1892
15th, on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, near Brenham, Tex., a passenger train of 6 cars was derailed, and although there were a large number of passengers aboard, only 7 of them were injured.  It appears that the rails had been loosened for a considerable distance by the cutting out of the spikes by a derailed freight car in a train which had passed a short time before.  This derailed car, after running about 2 miles, was rerailed at a road crossing, so that the injury done by it to the track was not promptly discovered.
Here is an amazing derailed-dragging event involving multiple phases.  In one phase, they left a truck alongside of the track and the train continued on:
November 1896
9th, on Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis, near Larue, O., a brake beam of an empty platform car, in the middle of a long westbound freight train, fell upon the track and tore up a crossing plank.  This plank was carried along about nine miles when it dropped off and derailed one truck; this truck ran on the sleepers for about half a mile and then ran off clear of the track, the train going on.  At the same time that this truck jumped the track one truck of the next following car also went off, and this one ran on the sleepers about 2,000 ft. farther than the other; then it got back on the track and behaved all right.  After running about six miles farther the trainmen noticed that they had lost a truck and stopped the train.
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Posted by Jim611 on Thursday, November 5, 2015 9:51 PM

In the summer of 1973, I worked on a N&W section gang on the ex Wabash in Fort Wayne.  I got to work one morning and the foreman and assistant were not there.  Nobody knew where they were.  They showed up out an hour later and advised there was a derailment west of town. As we approached a crossing near the derailment, the gates went down and a train went by at max track speed. 


During the night, a wheel had derailed and tore up 4 miles of track before re-railing on an old farm crossing. The train speeding by had not received the slow order yet. They speculated it was the rear wheel of an auto rack car.


The track was slightly out of line in a few spots and we spent the next week replacing damaged bolts, spikes and creepers.


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Posted by Euclid on Thursday, November 5, 2015 8:51 PM
I have seen that sort of dragging event too.  One car on the ground can just be carried along, with the aid of the couplers, without disrupting the train, and without derailing it.  It does surely damage track, and it tears out grade crossings as though they were not there.  It is amazing that this can continue for miles without any realization that something is wrong.  How can wayside detectors eliminate most of this dragging event?
Certainly a derailed-dragging car should be able to set off any detectors, so what is the answer when it comes to wayside detectors?  If they were placed every mile, would that contain most derailment developments to one mile?
In the case of the one above (Marysville, TN) where the CSX dragged a derailed car nine miles, it appears that the car eventually caught fire from mechanical friction of an axle.  I am not sure what happened next.  The train eventually stopped with the car on fire.  I do not know whether the train stopped because of an intentional crew reaction to a warning of smoke; or whether the car catching fire simply burned up the air hose.
Some of those derailed-dragging events do not progress beyond the one derailed car and a long stretch of damaged track.  Others end in catastrophic pileup of the train.  The wreck in Marysville was in between those extremes.  There, no big pileup ensued; but the burning carload of acrylonitrile was an added element of danger to the base line of just tearing up a few miles of track in the minimum derailed-dragging event.  
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Posted by Deggesty on Sunday, November 1, 2015 9:31 AM

I do not remember all the details, but when I was going from Memphis to Chattanooga in 1964 on the Southern's day train, I noticed, as I was standing at the rear, that many ties on the stretch between Stevenson and Wauhatchee had been cut into in the middle. The flagman told me that a car had been derailed and was dragged along for some distance, cutting the ties.


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Posted by Euclid on Sunday, November 1, 2015 9:12 AM
We have had a lot of discussion about derailment sensors on freight cars and how they can help get a train stopped in the derailed-dragging phase before a pileup begins.  Some have suggested that the derailed-dragging phase is too short to take any sort of preemptive action.  It has even been claimed that the instant the first wheelset leaves the rails, it digs in to the track bed and piles up the train.
My contention is that the derailed-dragging phase can be anywhere from nearly non-existent to several miles long.  A case in point was the CSX derailment in Maryville, TN last July.  A tank car full of acrylonitrile derailed, dragged some distance, and caught fire.  Eventually the train stopped before the derailment led to a pileup.  The derailed car remained coupled and in line with the track.
At the time, there was no report of how far the derailed car dragged, but one photo of a ripped out grade crossing indicated that the derailed-dragging event persisted for at least half a mile—plenty of time for a sensor to stop the train. 
But now, we learn that the derailed car actually dragged Nine Miles before the train stopped. 
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Posted by RDG467 on Tuesday, October 13, 2015 8:54 AM

Larry, thanks for the reminder- I read Mr. Kiesels's description at least three times, knew that the last E was for Explosion, and forgot to add that to my post.

I was being a bit facetious with my last sentence- obviously this is a very complex subject with many variables and I didn't want to imply that those valves were the only one.  I do remember seeing pix at Lac Megantic of rail punctures in some tank car heads. IIRC, that was one of the few derailments that happened on stick rail.

I did want to say, at the risk of obliterating the last bones of this poor horsie, a major contributor to these incidents may be something as simple as a valve handle that did not meet it's specificiations to break off when it should have.....

There is the probablity that some of the other derailments which 'appear' to have broken rails as part of the cause, may have had breaching from that break, or other breaks that were not visible in the available pix posted to the 'net. I think the Galena incident on BNSF started at a switch at the south end of the yard, but it hasn't been determined yet if trackwork was the main cause for that derailment, afaik.

I haven't read the Lynchburg reports, but will download and pore over them with great interest.

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Posted by Euclid on Friday, October 9, 2015 3:39 PM


Now do you understand why when there was all the clamor for the exotic brake systems I was advocating for better rail/track defect detection?

I think you need both.  Even though those two wrecks were caused by rail failure, my exotic brake system may have prevented each wreck from burning. 

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Posted by tree68 on Friday, October 9, 2015 3:25 PM

Fix the valve handle, save the BLEVE.

BLEVE - "Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion"

BLEVEs occur when two things happen:

1.  Something heats up the container, and thus the product inside that container.

2.  Something causes the container to fail.  Usually the failure is directly related to the fire impingment.  Firefighters are trained to get copious amounts of water on said point, if possible.  

Your description is fairly accurate.

While the valve may well be one factor in providing the fuel for a fire, there are many others, including structural failure of the container as a result of the incident.  This is the reason for head shields and the thicker metal called for in the new standards.  

Mr Kiesel gets one important thing backwards - BLEVE's are a result of the incident, not the other way around.  Statements like his are the cause of illogical panic - "rolling bombs."

Keep the cars on the rails and the problem will be negligible.  Every Bakken incident so far has initially been due to failures wholly unrelated to the product being carried.


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Posted by RDG467 on Friday, October 9, 2015 2:47 PM


Prevention must be zero tolerance, absolute; given the nature of Bakken crude oil.

Bakken crude oil is a stratified multi constituent liquid. Its weight is such that something like 28,000 gallons are the weight limit for a 30,000 gallon tank car. Visualize the 2000 gallons as about 36 drums of 55 gallon capacity. That's quite a bit of empty space inside a tank car. It is about 269 cubic feet.

What is the factor of cargo sloshing in the tank cars? What are the fluid dynamics for a stratified liquid such as Bakken crude? How does the distributed inertia and viscosity of Bakken crude contribute to unstable vehicle dynamics and rail/ wheel interaction? Might  skin friction result in the tank due to sloshing creating localized heating, stress and failure? Are boiling liquid expanding vapor events (BLEVE) causing the derailments?

Are the braking dynamics of ordinary air brakes contributing to slosh and a series of events leading to failure? Is there an optimal speed of operation for Bakken crude? Is there a maximum number of tank cars not to be exceeded? Is the draft gear and energy absorption of the tank cars adequate for handling Bakken crude.
These are the questions must be examined.

The inherent problem with railroad tank cars is that they are stupid. That is, there are no sensors on the tank cars to identify what the cargo is doing and how it affects vehicle dynamics. Knowing what is going on n the tank is first and foremost needed.

FRA PHMSA announcement simplly dela with stupid vehicles, rail tank cars. Given the potential and reality for catastrophe smart railroad cars need to part of the problem solving.

16 pages of discussion until someone said the magic 'word'- BLEVE. However, as I understand the situation, BLEVE's occur after the derailments, and the initial cause may be as simple as valve handles which are TOO Strong.

Here's my logic: The unloading valves on the bottom of the cars have handles roughly 3 feet long.  These handles are supposed to break away in derailments where the bottom of the car contacts the R-o-W. That's an AAR/FRA requirement. If it doesn't, it either opens the valve or tears it off the car, causing a breach.

In a roll over, that valve is much less likely to be the issue.  Then you have to look at top fitting protection. If insufficient, the loading valve and/or relief valve can be torn from the car, again causing a breach.

Once this happens to *about* five cars and enough oil leaks out, the next issue becomes a 'pool fire'.  The oil vapor (and other vapor components) are burning, but not explosively, since the oil isn't pressurized. If the pool fire is burning under a non-breached car for a long enough period, the BLEVE scenario begins.

As the oil heats up and expands in the tank car, the internal pressure rises, opening the relief valve at it's preset pressure. This sprays pressurized, atomized oil, which can be ignited into a 'blow-torch' until the pressure relieves and the relief valve shuts.

Now, there's less liquid in the tank to absorb the heat of the pool fire. So, the tank skin begins to heat up more rapidly, along with the remaining oil in the tank.  It's possible that the relief valve may open again, repeating the cycle. 

Eventually, the oil level in the tank gets low enough to allow the steel above the oil level to thermally fatigue (as long as the pool fire is still heating the tank). Once that ruptures, the release of pressure allows the rest of the oil to flash over to vapor and the expanding mixture ignites, making the large explosions seen in post-derailment videos.

Fix the valve handle, save the BLEVE.


(My apologies if similar info comes up later in the thread, I haven't gotten to the end yet.)

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Posted by dehusman on Friday, October 9, 2015 1:06 PM

Now do you understand why when there was all the clamor for the exotic brake systems I was advocating for better rail/track defect detection?

Dave H. Painted side goes up. My website :

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Posted by Euclid on Friday, October 9, 2015 12:45 PM


As it turns out the oil train derailment in Lynchburg, VA was also caused by a broken rail.  They had detected that one prior to the derailment.  They checked it one day prior to the derailment, and scheduled the repair for two days later.  But it caused the derailment one day later. 


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Posted by schlimm on Friday, October 9, 2015 12:16 PM


As I  recall from FRA stats, rail and roadbed problems are the leading cause of derailments.

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Posted by oltmannd on Friday, October 9, 2015 11:38 AM

-Don (Random stuff, mostly about trains - what else?

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Posted by NorthWest on Sunday, October 4, 2015 11:03 AM

Due to close clearances of the Great Northern tunnel under the city center and abundance of crossings nearby on the waterfront, trains do not travel fast enough to have a multiple car fire/explosion like we have seen elsewhere. They never have. There is no risk that requires operational changes.

It isn't about the trains, it is about the oil, which is a four-letter word in the PNW. (Except, of course, when one is burning it themselves.)

The stadiums are right next to King Street Station, and Sounder runs game day specials. Safeco Field's roof extends out over the tracks. LPG trains and other even more explosive chemicals have been running through there long before the stadium was built. If exploding trains were a huge danger, why did the designers still build over the tracks?


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Posted by Deggesty on Sunday, October 4, 2015 10:40 AM

But, isn't the stadium close to public transportation, which should reduce street traffic to/from the stadium?Smile By the way, what is the source of the fuels for public transportation?


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Posted by Norm48327 on Sunday, October 4, 2015 10:30 AM

Perhaps the powers that be should have told them not to build the stadium there.


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Posted by Euclid on Sunday, October 4, 2015 10:21 AM
They are protesting against the use of fossil fuels and capitalism in general.  The oil train passing near the stadium is just being used as a tool to get traction in their larger grievance.  
The problem they face is that it is only the federal government that can force an operational change on the BNSF.  However, their point about safety near the stadium has already been validated by the USDOT in their mandate for speed restrictions near selected dense populations. 
The stadium issue falls under the same reasoning but is more specialized and does not meet the current regulation to the letter of the law.  On one hand, trains running past the stadium are already slower than the restricted speed for dense populations.  But on the other hand, the population exposure at the stadium is far denser than what is considered under the current law. 
So, overall, I would not be surprised if the federal government forces some additional restrictions on BNSF in the stadium case.  The current law protecting select population densities makes the call for further protection inevitable.      
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Posted by Deggesty on Sunday, October 4, 2015 9:56 AM


Remember this about the media.

They have nothing to sell but fear!  And they do a good job of it.


Especially when the writers, like Henny Penny, who thought the sky was falling, have little real knowledge of the matter.


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Posted by BaltACD on Saturday, October 3, 2015 11:25 PM

Remember this about the media.

They have nothing to sell but fear!  And they do a good job of it.

Never too old to have a happy childhood!


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Posted by NorthWest on Saturday, October 3, 2015 4:12 PM

1. This is right next to King Street Station and trains run through its approach switches. Trains NEVER move more than 25 MPH through there, and at that speed they wouldn't even rupture, even if DOT-111s.

2. Great Northern tunnel underneath the streets and skyscrapers of downtown Seattle is a far bigger risk.

3. Interbay derailment was a split switch in a yard at  5 MPH. No risk of spill, fire, explosion, etc. That fender-bender won't kill you.

4. What is the "Transcontinental Route"? It's Stevens Pass or the Scenic Subdivision. The SP&S is on a transcontinental route, too. Please, go to the effort to get correct information. Iron Triangle exists for good reason; BNSF isn't stopping it.

5. Risk is far larger for TIH gasses.

Really poor article overall. Go 'Hawks!

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Posted by Norm48327 on Saturday, October 3, 2015 2:26 PM

The Butler

If they're so worried about oil trains why did they build the stadium next to a mainline? They're like the idiots who build at the departure end of a major runway and then complain about noise.


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Posted by The Butler on Saturday, October 3, 2015 12:21 PM


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Posted by Euclid on Sunday, September 27, 2015 2:26 PM
I have been waiting for the NTSB report on the Lynchburg, VA oil train derailment because they have said it will contain highly detailed information on the mechanics of the derailment, damage to tank cars, 3D scans, etc.  I have speculated on some of this earlier in this thread, and would like to see if my speculation is borne out in the report.
From this report and others, there are references to track problems being somewhat greater than average in the track vicinity in which this occurred.  If I understand it correctly, in January 2014, a broken rail was temporarily repaired by attaching anglebars on each side of the break as though it were a bolted rail joint.  Then the day before the wreck (May 2014), that repair was inspected, and apparently deemed to be okay for operation.  Although, on that day, a permanent repair was scheduled for a couple weeks later.  But the next day, the temporary repair failed and caused the oil train derailment in Lynchburg.
So, apparently, it is documented that this broken rail with a temporary repair failed and that was the cause of the derailment.  This conclusion is despite the fact that the final report is not expected until later this year.        
This article also covers a quote from the crew as the derailment began, which is quite interesting.
Here is the quote:
The report also gives a look inside the driver’s seat as engineers discovered they may have a problem.
“As the crew looked back to the north … they observed ‘a very large amount’ of smoke on the north side of their train about 30 cars back, whereupon they announced ‘emergency’ on the dispatcher’s radio channel and notified the Lynchburg yardmaster of the situation via radio, as well,” the report said.
Here is another article on the track defect:
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Posted by MidlandMike on Friday, September 4, 2015 11:27 PM



In partial defense of my entirely non-serious location for the manifold: if the oil is kept at some reasonable temperature to make it ready to flow upon arrival, this will automatically keep water mixture in tankage 'within' the oil volume at proper temperature also, while minimizing the number of penetrations needed in the actual tank shell and the insulation and heating arrangements needed externally.  Someone like Midland Mike is much more conversant than I am with the specific methods used to make the oil fluid, but not excessively 'hot', for best terminal handling.


My experience is in the oil fields of Michigan, so I am somewhat familiar with cold weather oil operations.  The crude oil comes from the well already somewhat warm (relative to winter temperatures) and then goes immediately to a production facility, which usually involves a heater treater to separate the oil/water phase of the production fluid.  The downhole pump can somewhat emulsify the oil/water mixture, so heat is what helps to separate them out.  It was brought up earlier, as to what an oil train fire might do to a tank car whose contents were emulsified by the safety process under discussion.  I don't know how the chemicals would affect things, but otherwise the tendency would be for the demulsifying and offgassing.

The crude oil is stored at the well production facility only until there is a truckload to haul out.  The oil does not have much chance to cool.  I don't believe that after a few hours in the truck, that there would be a problem unloading the crude.  Michigan light crude has about the same viscosity as Bakken Crude.  You would have to ask someone at a refinery if they have problems unloading tank cars of cold Bakken, but I doubt it.  Heavy crudes are often carried in tank cars with steam coils, for loading/unloading.

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Posted by Wizlish on Friday, September 4, 2015 2:52 PM

I had no intention of choosing the “right thing” to look at. So I find it odd that you would take issue with that point. My point is to look at one thing out of many.

Aw, it was just a rhetorical device in English, to indicate you were looking at the surfactant when the water is far, far more important to the design. 

In any case, his original design clearly shows where he intends the external tankage to go, and how it would be arranged.

I only tossed the invention by Iman Chalibi on the table in case you or others wanted to comment about it. I have no stake in it. I am not defending it. Like you and others, I see lots of practical problems with the idea. I am just adding my thoughts about the storage tank to the list of comments because nobody has mentioned it.

But if you are going to add thoughts, at least add complete ones, which aren't already covered in the source material better than you're commenting on them.

When I suggested a saddle tank or saddle bag, that's just a general description of an external tank. Specifically, the best location would be on either side of the lower half of the oil tank

Note that's not where the inventor put them.  I think he is depending on gravity as part of his dispersal system, but I can't be sure because too many of the details are left out of his presentation to tell.  As noted, you would not want to put the water there.  I do agree that if you want external tankage for the water+surfactant, the location you describe is a very reasonable place to put it.

... why stuff the extra equipment of this invention into the payload tank when it can be hung on the outside where it will be easier to inspect and maintain?

For the reasons I gave, to start with. 

It is perfectly possible, of course, to keep all the emulsification stuff external to the tank volume, and do it in the manner you propose.  That is probably the likeliest way a Canadian company would construct it.  You will need insulation and tank heating, including tracers for the lines going to the nozzles into the tank.  You might want to speculate on how many nozzles there would need to be, where they would be located and aimed, what their spray pattern would be, etc.

What would you use as the driving agent for a system where the water is held in external tanks in this location?  How would you communicate the driving agent to the water -- put it under hydrostatic pressure, pump it, entrain it?  How quickly would you need to accomplish the emulsion mixing, and would you prioritize any parts of the internal volume (e.g., ends or bottom periphery of the tank first)?

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