Why aren't locomotives made aerodynamic?

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Posted by edblysard on Sunday, October 31, 2004 4:37 AM
Come on , come on,,,,I wanna hear him squeal like a pig!

So, by your own addmission, you do have the knowledge, and were playing stupid, asking dumb questions just to stir stuff up...

So again,

And I noted that, although you asked a question, and have received several different, and novel answers, you have yet to comment on them, or respond in any fashion to the original question.

Which leads me to conclude that the questions you ask are illrelevant in regard to your reason for being here.


LC, go easy on the gross as they are, even roaches have a reason for being here.
Someone has to eat the garbage.

(by the way, chessking, so far, you have issued more insults than all the others put together....and now that it is thrown back at you, you whine and cry? there is a name for that.)

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Posted by kevarc on Sunday, October 31, 2004 3:15 AM
It is Black hearted soul, can't you figure anything out? I'm not weird - I'm a Cajun, we just look at things a bit different.

Your moma put a pork chop around your neck so the dogs would play with you? Or did the dogs think you were a fire hydrant? Or do you sit on the poarch playing the banjo? That would explain a lot.
Kevin Arceneaux Mining Engineer, Penn State 1979
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, October 31, 2004 3:08 AM
You're weird! Goodbye kevlar hearted soul.
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Posted by kevarc on Sunday, October 31, 2004 3:06 AM
You, who else would one have to mumble for, so the poor, poor child could understand?
Kevin Arceneaux Mining Engineer, Penn State 1979
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, October 31, 2004 3:02 AM
First of all kevlar, what the heck are you mumbling about, and second, to whom are you speaking? I do believe you are geniunely confused.
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Posted by kevarc on Sunday, October 31, 2004 2:50 AM
Just how many screenies you got here? It is a real lamer that will not put his email addy up. But then you do seem to be the type that hides behind his mommy's skirt. And please do not hide behind the old thing, I don't want to be annoyed by the email.

To bad the mods haven't checked his IP and banned the IP number.
Kevin Arceneaux Mining Engineer, Penn State 1979
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, October 31, 2004 1:53 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by chessking

Wow! I didn't know you could use profanity on here. Although the use of such words is surely a reflection of diminished IQ, I'm glad you pointed out it could be done.

[}:)] I DO possess a fair amount of railroad knowledge AND have been railside many times: Town of Riga CSX main, West Shore, CSX/NS Wye Lyons, NY, FRRR Short Line, Rochester & Southern, Catawissa's CP line, etc. I'm not as dumb as you look when it comes to railfanning, railroads in general, or rolling stock!

So here's a mouse! Go eat and gently slither away.

No, you're even dumber than YOU look...LOL....

Better run, I'm heading for the RAID....hate to see you with all six of your legs in the air...

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, October 31, 2004 1:17 AM
But this is how predictable he is. He will probably post something like this:

QUOTE: Originally posted by chessking

Wow! I didn't know you could use profanity on here. Although the use of such words is surely a reflection of diminished IQ, I'm glad you pointed out it could be done.

I DO possess a fair amount of railroad knowledge AND have been railside many times: Town of Riga CSX main, West Shore, CSX/NS Wye Lyons, NY, FRRR Short Line, Rochester & Southern, Catawissa's CP line, etc. I'm not as dumb as you look when it comes to railfanning, railroads in general, or rolling stock!

So here's a mouse! Go eat and gently slither away.

"No, you're even dumber than YOU look...LOL....

Better run, I'm heading for the RAID....hate to see you with all six of your legs in the air...


Man I'm good!!! But I also know he's lying in wait for the proper timing.
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, October 31, 2004 1:09 AM
Limitedclear? It's been a long road for us. Let's fianlly put this to rest and reopen the thread for serious inquiries.
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, October 31, 2004 12:38 AM
Wow! I didn't know you could use profanity on here. Although the use of such words is surely a reflection of diminished IQ, I'm glad you pointed out it could be done.

[}:)] I DO possess a fair amount of railroad knowledge AND have been railside many times: Town of Riga CSX main, West Shore, CSX/NS Wye Lyons, NY, FRRR Short Line, Rochester & Southern, Catawissa's CP line, etc. I'm not as dumb as you look when it comes to railfanning, railroads in general, or rolling stock!

So here's a mouse! Go eat and gently slither away.
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, October 31, 2004 12:24 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by chessking

Hey Limited (and you put that in your name, not me), this was my thread to begin with. You're all kinda trespassing when ya come in smattering the author and you're unwelcomed. So go away ... 4 eva! Stay off my tracks and we'll all be happy!!!

Nah, I thrive on crap like you, guess chewing you up and spitting you out only goes to prove that you can eat **** and keep on slugging. I doubt you've ever been closer to tracks than the wrong side of the garbage dump fence. In any event, now that you have chosen to enter the forum, you can't just run away...

Of course you could slink away, perhaps that would be better for all...


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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, October 31, 2004 12:08 AM
jruppert, you're a gem! FINALLY there's someone besides me with intelligence. For the longest time I've been targeted here, and at times I did instigate some trouble, but they are just as much to blame. They too instigated stuff. That's just me!!! I love a diverse approach to asking and answering questions or participating in the various threads. I'm good hearted but kinda rough playing. If they haven't a sense of humor or sense enough to slam me back, should they run and tell mommy?? I don't sit at my computer in a suit and tie (so to speak) with the 'utmost professional attitude' as my director upon the keys. They probably do. I'm half funny, half serious. So they could vote on the "gag order" thread and get rid of me as a chatter. It's in their hands .. not mine.
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, October 30, 2004 11:56 PM
I hope you guys are enjoying yourselves, because several poeple have bothered to offer honest opinions and answers and judging by the stream of crap, nobody was even listening.

Maybe chessking is only being defensive because of hostile environment, and even if he deserves the attacks, he probably just got what he was looking for anyway, so why give it to him?
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, October 30, 2004 11:32 PM
Hey Limited (and you put that in your name, not me), this was my thread to begin with. You're all kinda trespassing when ya come in smattering the author and you're unwelcomed. So go away ... 4 eva! Stay off my tracks and we'll all be happy!!!
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, October 30, 2004 11:28 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by chessking

You are taking stands beyond your mean efforts. No matter what you call me, I'll always be smarter and faster than you. You have nothing worthwhile to offer me. So crawl (or slither) back into your comfort zone and let bygones be just that.

Cockroaches are fast, but I wouldn't call you smart by a long stretch Chessie... Why don't you just mark off the board and save us the trouble of throwing you off...


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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, October 30, 2004 11:14 PM
You are taking stands beyond your mean efforts. No matter what you call me, I'll always be smarter and faster than you. You have nothing worthwhile to offer me. So crawl (or slither) back into your comfort zone and let bygones be just that.
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Posted by kevarc on Saturday, October 30, 2004 11:08 PM
Chessking - I may be the jester, but then that mkes you the village idiot!
Kevin Arceneaux Mining Engineer, Penn State 1979
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Posted by RudyRockvilleMD on Saturday, October 30, 2004 10:13 PM
It has been known for a long time that the streamlining of trains that was prevalent in the late 30's through the early 50's didn't reduce air flow resistance that much because speeds were not high enough even on most passenger trains. Some of the streamlined trains had full car-width diaphragms, and I am not sure if they significantly reduced air flow resistance

However, with the advent of the TGV's, the "Bullet Trains" and the Eurostar which travel at true high speeds, >150 mph, streamlining or aerodynamic shaping with a lower coefficient of drag has an effect on air flow resistance because the air flow resistance is a function of the square of the velocity and the coefficient of drag A more aerodaynamic shape, e.g. a slant noise, might reduce air flow resistance.
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, October 30, 2004 10:06 PM
dharmon, I speak for many here when I say we're all growing pretty tired of you telling the same story over and over about your dog spike givin' the wig wag signal every time you open up a fresh can of ALCO, or everytime you see a whistlepost, you go stand next to it whistling Dixie. Dharmon, when you went to your last interview to get a job on the railroad, wearing a suit and "tie" we all agree you went a little overboard with that huge chunk of cinder you hollowed out and snaked into. And what ever was the deal anyways when they asked you questions about the "hump yard". You replied, Oh dat dere is just plain disgustin'! can we move on??
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Posted by edblysard on Saturday, October 30, 2004 9:44 PM

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Posted by dharmon on Saturday, October 30, 2004 9:19 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by chessking

While you're at it stop by the DINA and get a cup of coffee. And dharmon .. No, a centerbeam is not a new brand of bourbon. And No, an autorack is not your daddy's pickup with deer antlers fastened to the hood. And a grade crossing has nothing to do with you taking 3 years of kindergarden before crossing over to the first grade. And by no means are you correct when you thought tractive effort had something to do with excremental fortitude.

This guy's pretty clever.....but an autorack is what you put cars on to dry after you wa***hem...don' you know nothin son.....I say you're bout as sharp as a bowlin' ball. A kinder garden is where you grow cabbage patch kids and that only takes one season...where you gettin this stuff need to spend more time on that computer lookin' stuff up......'cause you don't grade it after the season, you plow it under....

...and the only one that seems fortifide with execrement, well .....

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Posted by Overmod on Saturday, October 30, 2004 9:04 PM
If I remember correctly, McCoy was famous for inventing both wet and dry lubricators -- and for some reason I remember lawn sprinklers. I remember reading about him in the first rush of "PC" reporting on tech subjects -- he was African American, wasn't he?
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, October 30, 2004 8:46 PM
Awww edblysard ... if you say it again, I just might cry.
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Posted by M636C on Saturday, October 30, 2004 8:42 PM
There was a French plain bearing axlebox called "Athermos" which was reasonably well sealed and had an oil reservoir at the outer end of the axle with a "paddle wheel" bolted to the axle end inside a larger diameter end cap. This gave continuous oil lubrication without using open reservoirs and cotton waste, which could cause problems with contamination.

These appeared on a number of European vehicles and to exports to Francophone Africa, in particular.

There were quite complex lubrication systems on steam locomotives, the "Detroit" sight feed system being familiar to me. The Germans had an extraordinary mechanical lubrication system on their speed record locomotives of class 05, which can be seen on the locomotive preserved at Nuremberg. This is the fastest steam locomotive in the world, if remaing operational at the end of the record run is a criterion! The British "Mallard" had to be taken off the train at the first station after its "record" run after the central cylinder big end bearing failed!

But the name Mc Coy does not come to mind in this context!

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Posted by edblysard on Saturday, October 30, 2004 8:31 PM
You know,
My 17 year old daughter seems to do the same thing...
Keeps asking the same question, in various guises, in an attempt to get the answer she was looking for, so she can make the grand, self serving statement, or offer the same, self serving excuse.

With the same results, of course.
Its hard to play dumb when your not.

The very fact that in the original question included the words push load and coefficent should warn all that the person asking the question already knows the answer, and is just looking for a sucker to provide the "wrong" answer, so the poster can offer the "true" answer....

And Chessking?

Maybe checkers...

And the answer here should be the same one I offer my daughter...
No this time, and no the next time too!


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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, October 30, 2004 8:01 PM
Congrats on the recent promotion kevarc.
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Posted by kevarc on Saturday, October 30, 2004 7:59 PM
Ah, so this forum does have a court jester!
Kevin Arceneaux Mining Engineer, Penn State 1979
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, October 30, 2004 7:57 PM
Ok Ok, I give. What's McCoy?
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Posted by ericsp on Saturday, October 30, 2004 7:53 PM
LC, at least I know I am not the only one getting suspecious.

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Posted by ericsp on Saturday, October 30, 2004 7:47 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by chessking

Wasn't McCoy a railroad worker who invented some thingamajig allowing constant lubrication to the wheel bearings and other moving mechanical parts while the train is moving? or something like that.

That sounds like that would be incredibily expensive with only small benefits.

"No soup for you!" - Yev Kassem (from Seinfeld)

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