Waste Slows Haste "Shoddy Construction" on Chinese High Speed Rail

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Waste Slows Haste "Shoddy Construction" on Chinese High Speed Rail
Posted by Victrola1 on Monday, March 25, 2013 9:21 AM

SHODDY construction work is again blamed for the slow running of high-speed trains in northern China, putting the focus back on the now dissolved railway ministry.

The line linking two northeastern cities - Harbin in Heilongjiang Province with Liaoning's Dalian - has a designed speed of 350 kilometers per hour but only manages less than 200kmh, according to the 21st Century Business Herald.

The report claimed that the bullet train speed was supposed to touch 300kmh from next month but it was being postponed due to "safety concerns as the poor-quality construction has not been corrected."

Haste makes waste.

Waste slows haste.

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