Canadian Railfanning

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Canadian Railfanning
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, January 27, 2001 7:26 AM
I'm heading over to Vancouver from England for the first time ever and hope to catch either CN or CPR in action. Does anyone have a favourite view point they can suggest in the Vancouver, Banff, Jasper areas? many thanks
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, February 15, 2001 3:54 PM

Hi,I live in Vancouver and there are plenty of places to catch the CP and C.N in action,I myself go into the yards of New Westminster everyday off I get.if you follow Highway 1 it will take you through the fraser canyon into Alberta,it is a spectacular ride by car or train.There is also the Rocky Mountain Express that goes from Vancouver to Calgary,there website is if you need any more info plz contact me at

good luck and happy railroading.Scott B.C Canada
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, February 15, 2001 4:04 PM

Hello, I live in Vancouver B.C and there are plenty of places to catch the C.P.R and C.N in action around here. There is also a train called the rocky mountain express that goes from Vancouver to Calgary through the fraser canyon.It is a spectacular ride through there as you have the thompson river flowing through and differnt types of scenery from desert to lush green. Well if your interested here is there, good luck with your trip. if you need further info plz contact me at
Scott from Vancouver B.C

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