Amtrak, NJ Transit ACES and a SEPTA Trolley

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Amtrak, NJ Transit ACES and a SEPTA Trolley
Posted by Dareal1829 on Sunday, February 8, 2009 9:15 PM
Got out early this morning to catch the early run of the NJT ACES before shooting the Temple Basketball game, and caught an Amtrak Keystoner as well. I was tired of the same old "from the platform" shots on the corridor, so I tried to get some kind of scenery. I also managed to catch a SEPTA PCC trolley coming at me on Girard Ave, so I stuck the camera out the car window to try to get something. I'm not a big trolley guy, but I thought it made for an interesting shot. Enjoy!!! Darryl Amtrak Keystoner at Bristol: NJT ACES Southbound through Bristol: SEPTA PCC trolley at Girard Ave and 2nd St.:

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