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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, August 28, 2001 2:23 PM
Attention special intrest groups for the CPR:
I have 2 real good progects to sink your collective teeth into.
The first is Ministers Island, St.Andrews,N.B., here is the summer residence of Van Horn, and is it in kneed of some attention! Although run by the provence, it requires some guidance from those who enjoy the cpr. Artifacts that have been sold off, should be reaquired, and soon.
The second project, is the railway station in McAdam N.B. This used to be a great stucture used by the cp in the mairitimes, but like all of us, time has not been good to her. I sugest that if project funds could be alocated, that persons intrested contact the village of McAdam and or the New Brunswick Southern Railway, to witch the land is now being held by.
Thank-you for your time.

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