Double track mainlines

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Double track mainlines
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, August 23, 2001 2:25 PM
On my model railroad I have a double track mainline. Where should I install switches to get on the other track or do I not need them? I want to run trains as they do in real life, and I wasnt sure if they ever switched tracks or not. I do not have any passing sidings but I do have a few short spurs.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, August 23, 2001 4:27 PM
you might try installing a crossover where you go from one track to the other. this is used in conjuction with CTC (centralized traffic control)on class 1 double track mainlines. You probably need to install them on a straight section where both tracks are parallel to one another.I'd check out a Walthers catalog they have a great section on track and might give you more ideas of what to do.

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