Boy in hospital after trying to jump on to train

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Posted by CTValleyRR on Thursday, March 6, 2008 6:43 PM
 AntonioFP45 wrote:
 snagletooth wrote:

Dr. Spock?Alien [alien]

I've been corrupted by Tribbles....and I don't even like Tribbles! 

No, not Mr. Spock from Star Trek, but Dr. Benjamin Spock.  Just Google his history and you'll see what I'm referring to.  IMHO, his writings helped bring on the "Liberal Parenting" mentality that seen in the 1970s, 80s, 90s, and today...............

Well, my parents read Dr. (Benjamin) Spock religiously.... and that didn't stop them from welting my little behind when it needed it (maybe 10 whole times during my childhood... but I was never in any doubt that I WOULD be spanked if I did something really bad).

Just as my own children have -- on occasion -- been left with a smarting behind.  It's not the first course of action, but the last resort.  But it quickly convinces them that their action is something that they don't wish to repeat.

And to comment to Semper Vaporo, no we do not need schools to do anything.  We need PARENTS to step up and be parents, rather than expecting the schools, daycare providers, government, employers, etc. to teach discipline and responsibility.  You CAN be your child's friend and still discipline when required.  Schools knuckle under and teach "entitlement" and "rights" and "everyone is special" and "everyone gets a reward", true.  But it's not because of some government mandate.  It's because the school administration reflects the attitudes and demands of the parents.

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, March 6, 2008 4:42 PM
 Lord Atmo wrote:

Not familiar with either spock....

Star Wars nerd here

Sign - Ditto [#ditto] All I know about Spock is that he has pointy ears.....Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

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Posted by Lord Atmo on Thursday, March 6, 2008 4:00 PM

Not familiar with either spock....

Star Wars nerd here

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Posted by AntonioFP45 on Thursday, March 6, 2008 3:14 PM
 snagletooth wrote:

Dr. Spock?Alien [alien]

I've been corrupted by Tribbles....and I don't even like Tribbles! 

No, not Mr. Spock from Star Trek, but Dr. Benjamin Spock.  Just Google his history and you'll see what I'm referring to.  IMHO, his writings helped bring on the "Liberal Parenting" mentality that seen in the 1970s, 80s, 90s, and today...............

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Posted by AntonioFP45 on Thursday, March 6, 2008 3:10 PM

 trainboyH16-44 wrote:
Hey Antonio, I wasn't aware that you enjoyed ressurecting old threads for a social science rant Tongue [:P]

Hmmmm. No, I wasn't researching. Ran into it while looking at something else.  I felt it merited a response. Wink [;)]

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Posted by snagletooth on Thursday, March 6, 2008 1:23 PM

Dr. Spock?Alien [alien]

I've been corrupted by Tribbles....and I don't even like Tribbles! 

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Posted by trainboyH16-44 on Thursday, March 6, 2008 11:35 AM
Hey Antonio, I wasn't aware that you enjoyed ressurecting old threads for a social science rant Tongue [:P]

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Posted by AntonioFP45 on Thursday, March 6, 2008 10:46 AM
 Semper Vaporo wrote:

In my opinion this child's mother is not fit to be a parent. I wonder if her posterior has ever felt the sharp crack of a leather belt? In all likelihood, probably not. Ashamed [*^_^*]Banged Head [banghead]


Maybe she did and decided to never subject her children to such abuse?  Maybe an overreaction, but that doesn't mean she does not care about her children.

Then again, maybe we should just shoot her and let the children bounce around in the foster care system?

No, I guess that is an overreaction also.  What we need is a school system that teaches children how to be adults and how to teach their children how to be adults.  Oh dear!  Now we will have to decide what it is to be an adult!


AT one time schools in the U.S and Canada did that..........then along comes Dr. Spock and later, the  political correctness extremists in the media preaching "entitlement" and "Poof!" there goes the generation.    

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Posted by Semper Vaporo on Monday, October 15, 2007 5:55 PM

In my opinion this child's mother is not fit to be a parent. I wonder if her posterior has ever felt the sharp crack of a leather belt? In all likelihood, probably not. Ashamed [*^_^*]Banged Head [banghead]


Maybe she did and decided to never subject her children to such abuse?  Maybe an overreaction, but that doesn't mean she does not care about her children.

Then again, maybe we should just shoot her and let the children bounce around in the foster care system?

No, I guess that is an overreaction also.  What we need is a school system that teaches children how to be adults and how to teach their children how to be adults.  Oh dear!  Now we will have to decide what it is to be an adult!


Semper Vaporo


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Posted by CANADIANPACIFIC2816 on Monday, October 15, 2007 4:00 PM

In my opinion this child's mother is not fit to be a parent. I wonder if her posterior has ever felt the sharp crack of a leather belt? In all likelihood, probably not. Ashamed [*^_^*]Banged Head [banghead]


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Posted by vsmith on Monday, October 15, 2007 10:56 AM

Someone really needs to take the mom out and whack her with a reality stick...



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Posted by Newyorkcentralfan on Friday, October 12, 2007 12:19 AM

Bad Cop. No doughnut. 


 Goober wrote:

Sounds like you knew my parents, I got caught squeeling the tires on the car, and the county sheriff told me he would talk to my Dad, that would do more than a judge.  He also knew my Dad Sigh [sigh] Smile [:)]

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Posted by csmith9474 on Tuesday, September 4, 2007 10:03 AM

As Antonio alluded to, I wonder what the extent of the mental disability is. It could be something as minor as a learning disability or ADD, but the media/mother is using the "mentally challenged" term to beef up the story. I hate to be so cynical, but the media seems to have a way of twisting these types of stories to really make them seem more tragic than what they already are.

After "playing the race card" in this story, that really seems to discredit this woman in my eyes. What the heck does this have to do with race?

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Posted by Lord Atmo on Tuesday, September 4, 2007 9:09 AM

this is probably one of those times where my mom being really protective came out good. she never let me walk on tracks when i was little. i could go close to them, but never walk on them. and only if i was at a crossing.

this kid's mom is to blame for this. PZ hit the nail on the head several times here. the mother is at fault in so many ways. yes. ask for the removal of the railroad because you're a bad parent. nevermind an alternative of WATCHING YOUR CHILD MORE CLOSELY! especially considering the lad is mentally challenged. wouldnt you want adult supervision for him constantly then? i know i would!

this reminds me of an incident in Altoona. 2 morons were biking across the yard probably because it's a shortcut. a UP truck went after them and i saw firsthand the crews getting out and chewing these kids out.

at least i can watch for trains on an overpass nearby. and not have to worry about getting hit. they go right under me!

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Posted by traintownofcowee on Tuesday, September 4, 2007 8:48 AM

This is one crazy discussion.

But what I would like to point out is that Tresspassing on Railroad property is ILLEGAL.

Are people really THAT stupid?

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Posted by rrnut282 on Monday, September 3, 2007 3:01 PM
I, too, would be asking his companions a lot of questions about just how they "told him not to do it."  Knowing how kids of any socio-economic group like to pick on the weak, "just because", makes me question the story as it is now alleged to have happened.  Methinks they encouraged this action more than they discouraged it.
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Posted by AntonioFP45 on Tuesday, August 21, 2007 3:29 PM

Coborn, obviously we didn't know that he was "mentally challenged" (pc for retarded or slow) which makes this incident all the more scary.   

A parent has a mentally challenged 9 year old......the 9 year old is out of her sight long enough that he has time to walk over to a rail line. Then wait for, run alongside, and try to jump onto a moving train??????   Though we don't know more details, it appears that there's a very serious problem with the parent.  Add to that, her comment about "minorities" really stokes my coal! It was a low level "cop out" on her part.    

BTW: We don't know to what extent this kid is "challenged".  Was his condition  diagnosed as light, moderate, or extreme?  Obviously he had the intelligence and physicaly ability to attempt this stunt and more then likely comprehended exactly what he was doing. 

Furthermore if he was with other kids, he also shows the ability to socialize.  Now, was he easily encouraged by the other kids?   If he's a "Follower" then it is the more imperative that "mommy" keep him within her voice range. 

BTW: I've known mentally challenged people that were disciplined in their childhood.  Turned out to be wonderful, productive adults. 

Hopefully more details will be forth coming. 

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Posted by coborn35 on Monday, August 20, 2007 9:45 PM
 BREEZE wrote:
 selector wrote:
 AntonioFP45 wrote:


Let's see if it had been me, my Mom would have :   A. Blistered my bottom     B. Made me apologize to my Dad, the police and railroad officials.  C. I"d then get chewed out by my uncles and aunts    D. I'd be grounded for one month. ... 



E. All of the above.

F. All of the above, plus having to stand in the corner until bedtime.

G. All of the above, plus having to write, "I will not play near the tracks, nor seek holes through fences to the tracks," 500 times.

thats to easy just take a belt to that little brats butt and he will learn

Because that is quite humane of course. Who DOESNT punish mentally challenged kids by beating them?

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Posted by BDT in Minnesota on Sunday, August 19, 2007 4:26 PM
 Poppa_Zit wrote:
 News story wrote:

[The child's mother] said access to the tracks should be permanently blocked or, better yet, the tracks should be moved out of the residential neighbourhood.
"It's not fair for those who are minorities and have no say. So as a mother, I speak up. I would like to see the railroads removed and I don't care how much it would cost the government to do that. When you lose a life, you can't replace back that life."

Oh, brother. Here we go.

First, this sound bite proves the mother doesn't think her "mentally challenged" child's whereabouts and supervision are her responsibility.

Second, she doesn't hesitate to play the "us poor, neglected, ignored minorities" sympathy card right away.

Then, as frosting, she blames the government for "allowing" a railroad in a residential neighborhood.


1. The railroad was there long before she decided to move into that neighborhood.

2. She failed miserably in her responsibility as a mother for not monitoring a "special" child's activities, but refuses to consider any of the blame is hers.

3. If she thinks minorities have no say, she oughta come to Chicago and see the almost -daily protest marches from every race, creed, color and sexual orientation. If the didn't produce occasional results in implementing change, they wouldn't march. 

4. Based on her comments and lack of pre-emptive action, her son may not be the only "mentally challenged" person in that household.

I really feel for that child. With that woman as his mother, he doesn't stand a chance.


Well Said....Maybe the local power company should shut off the power to her place so her other kids don't stick a dinner fork in a electrical outlet and get electrocuted. Maybe the streets should be blocked to traffic so the kids could safely play in the street...This mother should run for the office of mayor....and change the world. 
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, August 19, 2007 3:44 PM
 selector wrote:
 AntonioFP45 wrote:


Let's see if it had been me, my Mom would have :   A. Blistered my bottom     B. Made me apologize to my Dad, the police and railroad officials.  C. I"d then get chewed out by my uncles and aunts    D. I'd be grounded for one month. ... 



E. All of the above.

F. All of the above, plus having to stand in the corner until bedtime.

G. All of the above, plus having to write, "I will not play near the tracks, nor seek holes through fences to the tracks," 500 times.

thats to easy just take a belt to that little brats butt and he will learn
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Posted by Pathfinder on Sunday, August 19, 2007 1:02 PM
 AntonioFP45 wrote:

I wonder if any of her relatives and friends are honest or blunt enough to tell her the truth.    

All she has to do is read these posts  Big Smile [:D]

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Posted by AntonioFP45 on Sunday, August 19, 2007 11:22 AM
 Pathfinder wrote:

So, to fan the flames a bit more, here is the response from the mother: "...I would like to see the railroads removed and I don't care how much it would cost the government..."

Yup, blame the railway, not poor parenting.   Banged Head [banghead]

Life of boy who tried to hop train 'changed forever:' mother
Boy, 9, has foot amputated
Last Updated: Friday, August 17, 2007 | 2:45 PM MT
CBC News

A child hurt while trying to jump a train had his foot amputated Thursday night, the same day Calgary workers repaired the fence he used to access the tracks.

"This has caused a little boy's life to be changed forever," Sabina Piche, mother of nine-year-old Josh, said from the Alberta Children's Hospital.

Her son, who is mentally challenged, tried to hop onto a moving freight train Wednesday in Dover, near Hubalta Road SE.

People in the neighbourhood said children are constantly trying to hop trains, and both adults and children use a hole in a fence to cross the CN Rail tracks.

While the fence was repaired Thursday, city worker Ted Gillman said he expected that by Friday morning, someone will have cut the wires.

One child told CBC News she crosses the tracks every day to go visit her cousin. She said it's a shortcut children use to get to school to shave time off their walk.
Continue Article

CN Rail says there is a proper crossing 500 metres away and anyone caught trespassing could be fined.

Piche said access to the tracks should be permanently blocked or, better yet, the tracks should be moved out of the residential neighbourhood.
"It's not fair for those who are minorities and have no say. So as a mother, I speak up. I would like to see the railroads removed and I don't care how much it would cost the government to do that. When you lose a life, you can't replace back that life."

This is inexcusable! So mom is bascially saying that it's not her fault, it's the railroads? Being a "minority" is irrelevant.  That mainline's likely been there long before she or her parents were born!  

But to give her the benefit of the doubt; she's likely lashing out in heated frustration and is probably blaming herself without admitting it openly.  I wonder if any of her relatives and friends are honest or blunt enough to tell her the truth.    

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Posted by snagletooth on Saturday, August 18, 2007 12:47 PM

 I can't beleive all this. i don't know about Canada, but here in the US, we have playstation, TV, and, of course, the Federal Government responsible for watching our kids, not the parents. Stop picking on the woman, where was playstation during all of this? 

 And we all know the railroads part in this. They deliberatly built their lines over 100 years ago thru deserted areas knowing perfectly well that the poor would be moving right next to them someday. It was the railroad lobby that single-handed convinced the Gov. to build the projects right next to their busy mainlines. And, yes, it was the railroad themselves that cut holes in the fence and convinved the kids to play on their tracks.

 The evil, the evil!

(in case someone doesn't realize, this is sarcasm) 

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, August 18, 2007 12:43 PM

City Council?! Yikes!

Then she would complain about someone getting squished by the helicopter!Dead [xx(]

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Posted by rrnut282 on Saturday, August 18, 2007 12:34 PM
Bet my next paycheck, she would complain about the noise with all those jets making air-drops over HER neighbohood.Evil [}:)]
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Posted by magicman710 on Saturday, August 18, 2007 12:33 PM
 TrainManTy wrote:

 edbenton wrote:
She reminds me of the lady that wanted to BAN all trucks off the Interstates and out of Chicago one time.  She was then told who would haul your trash out of the city and bring in your fuel food and anything else you need her answer was get this THE AIR LINES could drop them in and pick the trash up on the flights over.

Now THAT is scary!!!! (Whiny voice):What about trains....... 

And how does the stuff get from the airport to your house? 


By another airplane I guess!!!  Wait, is there a never-ending chain of airplanes taking Wal mart product to other airplanes????? I guess a helicopter would break the chain......

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Posted by edbenton on Saturday, August 18, 2007 12:27 PM
What was even scarier was she was on the CITY COUNCIL and wrote the laws for Chicago.  Remember when it comes to Chicago they act first then worry about what it costs later.  This is the same city that hired trucks for 200 bucks an hour to haul whatever and yet the companies that billed them had not one truck at all.  This same city had a county commisoner named Strogger have a stroke could not read or write at all yet somehow after his stroke managed to write a statement giving his support to his son to take his place as head of the Cook county Board as the Chairman.
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, August 18, 2007 12:20 PM

 edbenton wrote:
She reminds me of the lady that wanted to BAN all trucks off the Interstates and out of Chicago one time.  She was then told who would haul your trash out of the city and bring in your fuel food and anything else you need her answer was get this THE AIR LINES could drop them in and pick the trash up on the flights over.

Now THAT is scary!!!! (Whiny voice):What about trains....... 

And how does the stuff get from the airport to your house? 

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Posted by edbenton on Saturday, August 18, 2007 12:12 PM

Hell no they do not do air drops if they did I would ask for one months worth of company profits in my lawn. LOL

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