Pere Marquette #1225 "Polar Express" loco pulls excursions July 21-22

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Posted by Willy2 on Thursday, July 26, 2007 5:27 PM
Great pictures!! Thumbs Up [tup]


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Posted by videomaker on Thursday, July 26, 2007 4:52 PM



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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, July 26, 2007 1:46 PM
 kschmidt wrote:

I was still amazed at some of the other talk going on especially about the Michigan State Trooper that was stopped just past the tracks. 

What was there negative to say about him?  I saw him several times on the way up and back down, and he always nodded his head or gave small wave.  I think he was a closet railfan anyway.  During the photo runby in Ithaca, he was among the group of people with his own camera.  I even made a comment to him along those lines and he smiled.   

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Posted by kschmidt on Tuesday, July 24, 2007 6:24 PM
 J T wrote:

I think I remember being behind that at some point in the day thinking to myself "damn it, I wish they'd drive faster!"  Laugh [(-D]  j/k

"Drive Faster" - usually I'm getting yelled at by my partners for driving to fast.  I guess I will have to step it up a bit.  I noticed that we were also standing very near each other at Clare.  Your yard shots are almost identical to mine. 

I also do remember some car with a dent in the side of the car driving past the photo line at North Star.  However it wasn't me that made the "more dents" comment.  Actually I think the guy standing to my right made that comment. I was still amazed at some of the other talk going on especially about the Michigan State Trooper that was stopped just past the tracks. 


Keith Schmidt KC9LHK You don’t bring nothin with you here and you can’t nothin back, I ain’t never seen a hearse with a luggage rack. George Strait Check out Flickr Train Photo Page 

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Posted by JoeKoh on Tuesday, July 24, 2007 1:02 PM

thanks for sharing the pictures.

stay safe


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Posted by chad thomas on Tuesday, July 24, 2007 11:08 AM
Kieth, JT, Great shots, thanks for shareing.Thumbs Up [tup]  Cool [8D]
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, July 24, 2007 9:56 AM
 kschmidt wrote:

I was driving the red Toyota RAV4 for the weekend with IL plates(it was a rental - that was tough being from Wisconsin).


I think I remember being behind that at some point in the day thinking to myself "damn it, I wish they'd drive faster!"  Laugh [(-D]  j/k

I have a grey Mazda with some HUGE dents on my passenger side (someone kicked in my doors the other night outside my work).  As I pulled up and stopped in North Star in front of the photo line and jokingly said, "This looks like a good place to park," someone yelled, "Not unless you want some more dents!"  Laugh [(-D]   That wasn't you, was it? Wink [;)]

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Posted by kschmidt on Tuesday, July 24, 2007 9:31 AM


Finding a curve on that line was not easy, but it did turn out nice and with zoom lenses things are a bit easier. 

Yes I was at North Star on Saturday.  That was an interesting photo line.  I do seem to remember a vehicle stopping in front of the photo line, I also remember a pick-up truck pulling a hay wagon rolling through just before the train came.  I was driving the red Toyota RAV4 for the weekend with IL plates(it was a rental - that was tough being from Wisconsin). 


Keith Schmidt KC9LHK You don’t bring nothin with you here and you can’t nothin back, I ain’t never seen a hearse with a luggage rack. George Strait Check out Flickr Train Photo Page 

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, July 24, 2007 9:09 AM

I was there on Saturday (didn't notice you listed it as Sunday), but I didn't really mind the bush there, although it did force me to stand closer to the tracks (but with the big zoom, I was able to get out of the way safely well before the train passed me).

Funny how we found almost the exact same spot to stand on two different days.  Were you in North Star on Saturday?  I pulled up in my car and jokingly parked in front of the photo line for a moment.  Big Smile [:D]

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Posted by kschmidt on Tuesday, July 24, 2007 8:38 AM


Was your Harrison Road shot Saturday or Sunday.  I was there Sunday and I don't remember anyone else standing as close to the tracks as I was must have been to focused on shooting and not getting hit by the #1225.  I wish I would have had a chain saw to drop that bush in the way.  Also I was originally down by the grain elevators in Shepherd and then head back towards the depot and display.  As you can see the shadows did wreak some havoc on the shot. 

What great weather for the weekend and a great locomotive.  Great Shots !


Keith Schmidt KC9LHK You don’t bring nothin with you here and you can’t nothin back, I ain’t never seen a hearse with a luggage rack. George Strait Check out Flickr Train Photo Page 

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Posted by CopCarSS on Tuesday, July 24, 2007 7:54 AM

Keith and JT,

Excellent shots of a locomotive that is very high on the list of steamers that I need to see running...

Thanks for sharing!

West Chicago, IL
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, July 23, 2007 8:44 PM

I guess I'll add some more.

Running around the train to tie on to the front to head back south:


Ready to depart:


Heading through Rosebush:


North of Mount Pleasant at the River St. crossing:


Going through Shepherd:


Just north of Alma.  Check out the utility wire shadows in the smoke.  Very cool illusion:





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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, July 23, 2007 8:35 PM

Hey Keith, you must have been standing VERY close to me at he Harrison Rd. crossing south of Alma:

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Posted by tree68 on Monday, July 23, 2007 8:25 PM

I already know about when I'm headed to Michigan next year.  I just hope 1225 runs that weekend.....


Nice pictures!

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Pere Marquette #1225 "Polar Express" loco pulls excursions July 21-22
Posted by kschmidt on Monday, July 23, 2007 8:22 PM


This past weekend I had to chance to see and photograph the Pere Marquette #1225 2-8-4 Berkshire.  This was my first time seeing the #1225.  It is a great looking and sounding steam locomotive.  The #1225 made a pair of round trips.  On July 21st it ran from Owosso, MI (tender first due to no turning facility)to Clare, MI and then came back running in correct direction.  On July 22nd it ran from Owosso, MI to Alma, MI and return for the NMRA Convention in Detroit, MI which started that day. 

The weather was AWESOME both days.  Also with the PM #1225 having its claim to fame being the "Polar Express" locomotive it was great to finally see it in person and hear the sounds and whistle that I have only heard on a DVD of "Polar Express". 

Below are some photos from the weekend,

Southbound at MP 174 south of Clare, MI after the locomotive was moved from the rear of the train to the front

Coming out of a "tree tunnel" south of Mt Pleasant, MI

Passing the depot and RR displays at Shepherd, MI

Past the grain elevators at North Star, MI

Entire excursion train Saturday July 21st north of Barland, MI

Rounding one of the few curves on the line Sunday July 22nd south of Alma, MI

After completing a double run-by for the NMRA people #1225 is southbound near Ithaca, MI

PM #1225 steams towards Barland, MI 

Keith Schmidt


Keith Schmidt KC9LHK You don’t bring nothin with you here and you can’t nothin back, I ain’t never seen a hearse with a luggage rack. George Strait Check out Flickr Train Photo Page 

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