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"Who ships by rail today? It's so archaic. It's limited to where that track goes."
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by Junctionfan</i> <br /><br />That statement tells me several things about this person or persons. <br /> <br />1/ They know jack $%#$ about anything having to do with rail for starters. <br /> <br />2/ They are using rail as a scape-goat for their own agenda and not considering others. A typical selfish response from someone who obviously has nothing better to do than complain and engage in negative smearing likely. <br /> <br />3/ They are probably stupid and don't are are incapable of using logic. Any intelligent person who has read studies or for that matter looked at the roads can tell you that trucks cause increase wear on the roads and so having a rail user will reduce costs to the taxpayer. It is also more space efficient to have a single track line go through town then a double or quadruple lane road for truck use. It is even better because unlike a road, the rail upkeep is up to the railroad and not average Joe-taxpayer. The more roads you have and more trucks using existing road, add to maintainance cost and also decrease amount of land available for development. <br /> <br />4/ Trucks are archaic, they only carry one or two loads per 28 to 57 feet in length. The only reason why they exist still is because sometimes they are cheaper, easier and quicker then rail but not always. They certainly don't do wonders for industries that requires large quantities or bulk commodities either for importing or exporting. <br /> <br />I wi***he government would undertake in a rail awearness program for basic understanding of the railroad. They do it for safety (Operation Lifesaver) why don't they do so people would be more educated and informed about the benefits of a railroad? <br />[/quote]Your point is well made, but let's do keep a bit of decorum in the forum.
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