Technical Issues After August 13, 2012 Maintenance

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Technical Issues After August 13, 2012 Maintenance

  • I hate it. It's hard on the eyes. Way too much white and empty space! It reminds me of unfinished HTTP programming.

  • Tell you now it ain't going to happen this is like the 4th change I've been thru and we have complained each time. we use to be able to goto a post and see who's also in the post at the same time and could have a conversation with that person. we all really hated that when that item was removed

    But also its a money and band with thing as it more people and present web hosting company charges more they seem to switch and seeing were paying nothing to use this as much as we want to complain it does no good and its free so its kinda hard to justify complaining we just need to slowly but surly get use to it. for some reason I can't on this computer save in my favorites the last page I've in the coffee shop but can save at least the index page now my other computer no problem and the putors at work no problem so I don't know.

    Life's hard, even harder if your stupid  John Wayne

  • Another user commented about seeing an error message when logging in.  I also encountered an error when logging in.  When I log in, the following error message appears: 

    Server Error in '/' Application.

    The resource cannot be found.

    Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.  Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

    Requested URL: /trc/f/733/t/209079.aspx

    The other two attempts at logging in from different parts of the forum had the same message but different requested URL's:

    Requested URL: /mrr/f/88.aspx and Requested URL: /mrr/default.aspx

    The error message appears as a new page.  Clicking on the browser's back button will bring you back to the website and you'll be logged in.

    Another item, how do I log out?  There is no option on the side that says log out.  Maybe I'm not seeing it but if I want to log out, I have to go to the website's main page.


    "If we never take the time, how can we ever have the time." - Merovingian (Matrix Reloaded)

  • Hi,

    I miss not seeing the "joined the forum" date and number of posts of the writer of a new post.   This may have been addressed before, but I missed it and remain unaware of what happened to that data - and if it is still available.

    ENJOY  !




    Living in southeast Texas, formerly modeling the "postwar" Santa Fe and Illinois Central 

  • mobilman44


    I miss not seeing the "joined the forum" date and number of posts of the writer of a new post.   This may have been addressed before, but I missed it and remain unaware of what happened to that data - and if it is still available.

    I agree.  If we could see the date that the member joined the forum, that would help to get a sense of who is new and how new.  Don't have any good idea why they dropped this feature.


    Alton Junction

  • welmblad

    Post counts are maintained by the search database --  which is being rebuilt. This process is taking longer than expected given the large number of posts to process. This information will be back.

    According to the earlier post by Wade (welmblad) on pg. 5, that one feature will eventually return.  When exactly is whenever the IT department can rebuild the search database.  IIRC, that took a bit of time after the last upgrade nearly 2 years ago.


    Time...It marches on...without ever turning around to see if anyone is even keeping in step.

  • eh, I don't know. It does look a little Space Invader-ish though...

    Maybe they could have gone for the turbo look....

    Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

    I just started my blog site...more stuff to come...

  • Have you tried the 'Your Discussions' tab at the top of the page?  That is a cool feature I haven't seen on any other forums.


  • They do these changes every two or three years and it's always a like it or lump it type thing. I could get used to it. It's free so I'll make it work.

    Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
              Joined June, 2004

    Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
    Space Mouse for president!
    15 year veteran fire fighter
    Collector of Apple //e's
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    History Channel Club life member.
    beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

  • IMO the IT people who designed the forum have had no experience on the forum and therefore don't understand what the needs of forum users are to make the forum easy for individual memebers to use.

    Based on past revamps this is a bad one but in time MR will work it out. The question is, how long will it take.

     Bergie use to come on the forum and answer questions and tell us of corrections that were going to be made. It would be appreciated if the current IT people would do the same.



  • Seamonster

    What I miss most is the page count.  It doesn't matter for posts that are only one or two pages long, but it makes a big difference to me in the Diner.  I used to make a note as to what page I left off on so that next time I could go to that page and continue reading the posts in the order they were submitted.  Now, if I go newest to oldest I'm reading posts that are replies to other posts and I don't know what the original post was that elicited that reply.  If I switch to oldest to newest, I get the very first post to the Diner at the beginning of the month and have to scroll through many pages to find where I left off.  Please, please bring back the page count.

     Page count is right there in threads - at bottom and top:


    I too would like to see the poster's location come back.  It's nice to know where the poster is when he's talking about his weather.  And, if one is going to be travelling, it would be nice to know where certain people live so that one could contact them when in their location.  I know that's in the profile but it's a lot of work to go through all the profiles to see if there's any one in locations A or B or C when a person would be travelling.

     People doing stuff like talking about imaginary food and giving weather reports of their location in the Diner tends to say where they are located anyways when they give their weather reports.

     As in "Hello from East Podunk, it is now 88 degrees outside, there is a slight chance of rain, and I am thinking of getting my dentures cleaned" or something along those lines.

     But as you say - if you for some reason feels a need to check where a particular user is located, it is not that hard to click on the user's name.

     It is probably configurable what to display when reading threads - so it is probably possible to display location, but someone (at Telligent or Kalmbach) made the decision that it was a waste of screen space to list your location every time you posted something.


    I know that some people feel the post counts have some negative connotations which I won't get into, but it is nice to be able to identify the newbees on the forums.  I think they deserve a little bit of extra attention when they venture on line here.

     1) Spot a post from someone you think may be a new guy? Click on his or her user name. Will list recent activity for that person. If the person is new, there will be a "joined the forum" activity recently, and probably just one or a few posts

     2) Post counts will not return. But - once reindexing of the forums are done - "badge" icons for each user will come - showing you roughly how many posts someone has made. Click on "help" in your user frame on the right to get an explanation of the badge system.

    Hope this was of some help.There is also a bunch of threads already about the new forum features - might be smart to read through them to find stuff other people have wondered about and have gotten help finding.



  • Dislike.  Strongly.

    MoW employee
  • I don't know... this seems to work just fine
    . The old software wasn't any prize pig.


    The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer, any other railroad, company, or person.

  •  2) Post counts will not return. But - once reindexing of the forums are done - "badge" icons for each user will come - showing you roughly how many posts someone has made.


    Unless you are privy to information which is not available to the rest of us, this statement seems contradictory to what was posted by Welmblad on page 5 of the following thread:

  • What ever it is, it doesn't look like a

