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Emoticons & Acronyms

  • The following is a short list of both Emoticons and Acronyms commonly used on the Internet. There's a lot more than this (some nice, some not) and if you're interested in finding out more, do a search on Google for emoticons. [:)]

    Or here's another reference for more acronyms:
    Internet Abbreviations for Penpals


    Emoticons (emotional icons) are used to compensate for the inability to convey voice inflections, facial expressions, and bodily gestures in written communication. Some emoticons are better known as "smileys." Emoticons can be very effective toward avoiding misinterpretation of the writer's intents. While there are no standard definitions for the following emoticons, we have supplied their most usual meanings. Most emoticons will look like a face (eyes, nose, and mouth) when rotated 90 degree clockwise.

    :) or :-) Expresses happiness, sarcasm, or joke
    :( or :-( Expresses unhappiness
    :] or :-] Expresses jovial happiness
    :[ or :-[ Expresses despondent unhappiness
    :D or :-D Expresses jovial happiness
    :I or :-I Expresses indifference
    :-/ or :-\ Indicates undicided, confused, or skeptical. Also :/ or :\.
    :Q or :-Q Expresses confusion
    :S or :-S Expresses incoherence or loss of words
    :@ or :-@ Expresses shock or screaming
    :O or :-O Indicates surprise, yelling or realization of an error ("uh oh!")


    AAMOF As A Matter Of Fact
    AFAIK As Far As I Know
    BBFN bye bye for now
    BFN bye for now
    BTW by the way
    DITW Dead In The Water
    DYOH Do Your Own Homework
    EOL end of lecture
    FAQ frequently asked question(s)
    FITB fill in the blank
    FUD Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt
    FWIW for what it's worth
    FX Effects
    FYI for your information
    GBFN Good-Bye For Now
    HTH hope this helps
    HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language
    IAC in any case
    IAE in any event
    IANAL I Am Not A Lawyer
    ICBW I Could Be Wrong
    IIRC If I Remember/Recall Correctly
    IMCO in my considered opinion
    IMHO in my humble (or honest) opinion
    IMNSHO in my not so humble opinion
    IMO in my opinion
    IOW in other words
    IRL In Real Life
    LOL lots of luck or laughing out loud
    MHOTY my hat's off to you
    NRN no reply necessary
    OIC oh, I see
    OTOH on the other hand
    ROF rolling on the floor
    ROFL rolling on the floor laughing
    ROTFL rolling on the floor laughing
    SIG Signature
    SITD still in the dark
    TIA thanks in advance
    TTFN Ta-Taa For Now
    TTYL talk to you later
    WYSIWYG what you see is what you get
    YMMV Your Mileage May Vary
    <G> Grinning
    <J> Joking
    <L> Laughing
    <S> Smiling
    <Y> Yawning

    Additional Acronyms Commonly used in Forums/Newsgroups

    AUCTION - Items for Auction
    FA - Items for Auction
    FS - Items for Sale
    FT - Items for Trade
    ISO - In Search Of
    WTB - Want to Buy
    WTD - Want to Deal (buy or trade)
    WTS - Want to Sell
    WTT - Want to Trade
    OT - Off-Topic

    ...of course there are a lot more.
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  • The following is a short list of both Emoticons and Acronyms commonly used on the Internet. There's a lot more than this (some nice, some not) and if you're interested in finding out more, do a search on Google for emoticons. [:)]

    Or here's another reference for more acronyms:
    Internet Abbreviations for Penpals


    Emoticons (emotional icons) are used to compensate for the inability to convey voice inflections, facial expressions, and bodily gestures in written communication. Some emoticons are better known as "smileys." Emoticons can be very effective toward avoiding misinterpretation of the writer's intents. While there are no standard definitions for the following emoticons, we have supplied their most usual meanings. Most emoticons will look like a face (eyes, nose, and mouth) when rotated 90 degree clockwise.

    :) or :-) Expresses happiness, sarcasm, or joke
    :( or :-( Expresses unhappiness
    :] or :-] Expresses jovial happiness
    :[ or :-[ Expresses despondent unhappiness
    :D or :-D Expresses jovial happiness
    :I or :-I Expresses indifference
    :-/ or :-\ Indicates undicided, confused, or skeptical. Also :/ or :\.
    :Q or :-Q Expresses confusion
    :S or :-S Expresses incoherence or loss of words
    :@ or :-@ Expresses shock or screaming
    :O or :-O Indicates surprise, yelling or realization of an error ("uh oh!")


    AAMOF As A Matter Of Fact
    AFAIK As Far As I Know
    BBFN bye bye for now
    BFN bye for now
    BTW by the way
    DITW Dead In The Water
    DYOH Do Your Own Homework
    EOL end of lecture
    FAQ frequently asked question(s)
    FITB fill in the blank
    FUD Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt
    FWIW for what it's worth
    FX Effects
    FYI for your information
    GBFN Good-Bye For Now
    HTH hope this helps
    HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language
    IAC in any case
    IAE in any event
    IANAL I Am Not A Lawyer
    ICBW I Could Be Wrong
    IIRC If I Remember/Recall Correctly
    IMCO in my considered opinion
    IMHO in my humble (or honest) opinion
    IMNSHO in my not so humble opinion
    IMO in my opinion
    IOW in other words
    IRL In Real Life
    LOL lots of luck or laughing out loud
    MHOTY my hat's off to you
    NRN no reply necessary
    OIC oh, I see
    OTOH on the other hand
    ROF rolling on the floor
    ROFL rolling on the floor laughing
    ROTFL rolling on the floor laughing
    SIG Signature
    SITD still in the dark
    TIA thanks in advance
    TTFN Ta-Taa For Now
    TTYL talk to you later
    WYSIWYG what you see is what you get
    YMMV Your Mileage May Vary
    <G> Grinning
    <J> Joking
    <L> Laughing
    <S> Smiling
    <Y> Yawning

    Additional Acronyms Commonly used in Forums/Newsgroups

    AUCTION - Items for Auction
    FA - Items for Auction
    FS - Items for Sale
    FT - Items for Trade
    ISO - In Search Of
    WTB - Want to Buy
    WTD - Want to Deal (buy or trade)
    WTS - Want to Sell
    WTT - Want to Trade
    OT - Off-Topic

    ...of course there are a lot more.