Railroad tycoon game??

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Railroad tycoon game??

  • YEs i did finally dig it out and was wondering if anybody knows what happened to the option to play against other people online?? The instructions give a HEAT.com but that site is long dead. I would love to see if anybody else has actually tried and like the game like me. And is sick of playing against a computer? I hope that I am not the only one who picked up this game. It is actually quite fun, but very time consuming ( AND VERY ADDICTICTING!!!) Thank you and hope yous have a great day!!
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  • I've had this game for about 2 months now, or is 3? I don't know, I've been at it nonstop lol!

    I have RR Tycoon II: Platinum. On the main menu there is single player and multiplayer options. The computer I have it on is not hooked up to the internet, but there are several options I saw.

    TCP/IP - internet or LAN connection
    IPX - LAN using IPX protocol
    modem - direct to another player
    serial - direct to player through serial port using null modem

    I am led to assume that by clicking these options one can automatically connect with someone, much like internet checkers or chess? Or do you have to go to a website first?

    I checked the manuals (150+ pgs each! man that's freking long!) In all that they tell me to click one of the options I just typed above.

    These links came with the game:

    I'm also interested in how this online playing works. Is there game speed control or does it stay constant? Can you play someone with a older version? (Platinum vs Gold versions?) Can you chat with your online opponet? What happens if a connection is lost?

    I don't think I'll be playing online anytime soon, I'm still learning the ins and outs of this game.

    This game is like monopoly and war and a bunch of other games all rolled into one.

    yad sdrawkcab s'ti

  • And here I thought I was alone in the world of computer train gaming, hurray I am not a totally lost sole.
    I receintly found my copy of Railroad Tycoon II when it first came out Though I think mine is so old it wont conect at all. Still it is nice to know I am not alone in my love of the gaming and the subject matter in general. like
    "ironhorseman" I am also learning the in's and out's so good to see both of you here.
    and glad I found this place on the net.

    Have a great day and smile :) there are others out here who just have not found their way yet.
  • I have the rr tycoonII, haven't played it in a while. Would like to try playing it online sometime though.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by dragon1464

    And here I thought I was alone in the world of computer train gaming, hurray I am not a totally lost sole.

    You are not alone, there are many of us
    Another "online experience"
  • the RT2 modem option asks you to type in a phone number of the person to play against, real helpful when you want to play random players!

    Anyone tried Railroad Tycoon 3? I have been looking at game "photos" and it looks much better graphicwise than #2. There is a demo at "railroadtycoon3.com", but it needs 3d Acceleration, and my computer doesn't have that!
  • Yes, trainheartedguy, I have the 3rd Railroad Tycoon game and all I can say is it's great. The map editor and graphics have been vastly improved, and there are new scenarios, online play, and several new trains and buildings. And, the long awaited


    But one classic problem persists- when a train climbs a grade, it stretches and breaks apart untill the grade ends. Oh well.
  • I played the demo finally on someone else's computer. it is Excellent, but for now Im stuck with #2
  • So how's the music differ between versions? Is there more? Is it different? I just discovered I can access all the songs through the files saved on my computer. Makes for some good listenin even when I'm not playin the game [{(-_-)}][tup][:-^] Wish I could put the music on a seperate CD so I can take it with me.

    yad sdrawkcab s'ti

  • Well, ironhorseman, there's a lot more of the same- the music is still the Old Western country style, with songs a la Buffallo Gals or I've Been Workin' on the Railroad. I'm not into CD burning or anything like that, so I can't help you with transfering the music to a CD.