update problem

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update problem

  • I have been trying to get the updates for msts to work. It seems to go in fine. I can see all the files where they are supposed to be, but the two new engines and associated new activities will not load into the game. Does any one know how to get those things to work. I have reloaded the entire game a couple of times now. To say the least I am getting frustrated.
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  • Have you made a consist for them? Did it come with a consist? Sometimes i must make consits to work a loco. Hope it works!
  • I also had problems loading the class 50 and . sd40-2. They do not automatically link up with the contents of the original game cd-rom. Look to where you loaded the update, presumably your hard drive and you should see two programmes, one ending .ex.
    double left click the one ending .ex and later the other one.
    when you Open up the game, they are not immediately obvious. On the menu where you choose- route,loco etc choose the Settle to Carlisle, then go to loco and choose class 50. It .should be there best of luck
  • I also had problems loading the class 50 and . sd40-2. They do not automatically link up with the contents of the original game cd-rom. Look to where you loaded the update, presumably your hard drive and you should see two programmes, one ending .ex.
    double left click the one ending .ex and later the other one.
    when you Open up the game, they are not immediately obvious. On the menu where you choose- route,loco etc choose the Settle to Carlisle, then go to loco and choose class 50. It .should be there best of luck