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Clinton Sub Add On

  • I just downloaded the full version of the Clinton Sub off of  I got the new roads and xtracks like it instructed.  However, whenever I try playing it, while its loading, it stops and a pop-up "Train World Initialization Failed" comes up so I havent been able to play it.  If anyones has had this problem and corrected it, please let me know what I need to do.  Thanks



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  • Did you look for a file inside this folder in ROUTES Folder??  Because there is a file which call installme -- MS-DOS batch file which xcopy all the required files from the six default routes.  All you have to do is to click this file and away they go to copy all the required files from the six default routes to this route, Clinton Sub.  Hope that will help you with this.

    Thank you,


  • Ok, well I only installed Marias Pass (USA2) and now I dont have the origional installation disks.

  • Tommy -- You men that you don't have the program disk of Microsoft Train Simulator.  I am surprised to see if you don't have all the six default routes in your program of MsTS.  You mean that you deleted the five default routes out of your program??  Let me know about this.

    Thank you again,


  • Well when I installed it I didnt care about the passenger, japanese, or steam routes so I custom installed just Marias Pass.  I do have the disks but theres something screwy on disk 2.  When I get to 72% installation, i think the file USbush3.ace doesnt instal and it aborts the whole download.
  • I just tried running Clinton Sub again and this time it says "Failed to open texture file - routes\UPCS\textures\acleantrack1.ace"
  • Almost all the routes require the original six for different terrain elements.  You should get Route Riter (It is on Train-sim and it is free) and install it.  You can check the route with one of the utilities (I do this with all the new routes).  It will check the route for missing objects.  If one is missing, it will look for a replacement and correct it.  If it can't find a suitable replacement, it will ask if you want to replace it with a substitute or just get rid of it.  It can lead to some interesting events (like missing bridges, with track just in the air), but you should be able to run the route.  This is assuming you have run the bat file (if you can without the 6 defaults).  Can't help you with the error on disk two.  My only suggestions is that you may need to do a clean reinstall (install MSTS with a different name) and then just copy the original routes over to the old copy. 
    Dewey "Facts are meaningless; you can use facts to prove anything that is even remotely true! Facts, schmacks!" - Homer Simpson "The problem is there are so many stupid people and nothing eats them."
  • I downloaded the Route Riter, but I have no idea how to use it.
  • Did you read the readme?

    MSTS is being sold again at Wal-mart by Atari for around $10 so you could get another copy of it and use the 2nd CD.

    I have Clinton Sub installed with no problems, so it's probably because it wasn't able to copy the required files.

  • alright, thanks to everyone for the help and input.



  •  tomnoy3 wrote:
    I downloaded the Route Riter, but I have no idea how to use it.

    There is a really nice doc file with the download that explains how to use it.

    Dewey "Facts are meaningless; you can use facts to prove anything that is even remotely true! Facts, schmacks!" - Homer Simpson "The problem is there are so many stupid people and nothing eats them."
  • I had the same problem with the route. I am fairly new to MSTS and haven't had a problem with a route until now. I found this thread and it was a great help! Thanks for the great info. Route Riter found a missing file, copied it over and it was fixed!
  • Unless it is a commercial route, it is usually best to have route riter check it first.  Saves headaches.  Plus it will find all the missing rolling stock for you so you can fix it.  Conbuilder will do that part too, but I have problems with Conbuilder fixing loose consists (it would either not change them or lock up).  Route Riter fixes those.  I use Conbuilder to fix the active consists.  There it is quicker, though it can only handle 10,000 railcars in the menu (No limit so far in Route Riter). 
    Dewey "Facts are meaningless; you can use facts to prove anything that is even remotely true! Facts, schmacks!" - Homer Simpson "The problem is there are so many stupid people and nothing eats them."