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Amtrak in Montana

  • Does anyone know what senerio in the Marias Pass that Amtrak goes thru?
    Regards, Smurf
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  • I've did every scenario and I haven't seen amtrak on any one of them.
  • Actually there is one scenario where Amtrak appears, but it's very faint. I can't remember which GP38-2 Whitefish Yard switching activity it is, but Amtrak comes through the main line and heads west (in other words away from the mountain). I think it occurs within the first 5 minutes. I tried to look for the activity, but for some reason it's missing. It must have been deleted when I downloaded the SD40-2 engine and activities. I was sure there was a GP38 activity that was 1 hour long and I was sure that was the one it was on, but I could be wrong. If I find it I'll post another reply.

    yad sdrawkcab s'ti

  • Yes you Have to go in to the route Editor and insert the catanary system then go in to the senerio that you created and use the accela or the accela HH-P