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MSTS Empire Possible?

  • How much of that time was actually spent downloading? Estimated, of course.
  • DL time - it depends on what type of connection you have.

    3Dtrains does have a lot of free things available. Marc has made many NE engines free. He is also updating his F to V4. In the fourms there you can find me, Dekosoft, Rich Garber, Andre Ming and a few others. We also have free content for all to use.
    Kevin Arceneaux Mining Engineer, Penn State 1979
  • I have "tons" of railroad video, dispatch software, a Trainz demo, Picture files, and do good just to keep up with this forum! The very best idea I've found yet, is to use the digital elevation maps, of the which are found being used at . The routes, for example, are the Clinchfield, down to Erwin, TN, and possibly to Spartenburg, SC. The Clinchfield Railroad is 265miles. The original route offered, was built out of relative experience, and was great. Now the route is being replaced by DEM maps. And you are able to add any content you wish. How good can it get!... ! ACJ.