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Trainz Exchange & in general.

  • Hi

     I just picked up Trainz 2006  edition, and I have to say that it is greatly Improved over the 2004 ed, but  I keep getting a page down for maintenance  error every time I try to log into Trainz exchange, and  I notice that either loads up painfully slow or doesn't load at all...This has been going on for several days anyone know what may be up?


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  • I have noticed this when opening links to sites. You may have to go that particular page through the home page and to the page that way. It's just how goofy computers get.(like how MSTS goes still frame in Vista)
    -Michael It's baaaacccckkkk!!!!!!
  • Be prepared for hours of heartache with TRS2006 from Auran.  SoapBox [soapbox]  I purchased it in November 2007, and still have not been able to download any of the "purported" assets (rolling stock, scenery, track, etc.) from "Download Station."  Tech support is virtually non-existent.

    TRS2006 could be the next best thing to .05 cents a gallon gas.  The ability to create your own railroad routes (layouts) in the computer is encouraging...but it stops there.  Designed in Britain (and we all know how eccentric the veddy british are!), it comes packaged with loads of unusable European assets (except a very necessary German to English translation manual!), and VERY little American assets.

    The software manual...all 310 worthless.  It explains what each button on the screen does...(over and over and over and over and over)...but not how to use the software.   What I have learned has been due to hours of trial and error.  The product is SOLD (marketed by European rip-off artists) with access to 40,000 assets.

    Those assets must be on the planet Pluto (wait a minute...that's not a planet now, is it?)  The user is supposed to access these assets through the download station.  Trouble is...there is nothing in the manual telling one how to do it.  When the user finally figures it doesn't work.  I have not been able to download any assets.  Recently, when I have "turned on" Content Manager Plus (where one can access the Download station) it crashes my computer.

    The TRS2006 concept is very exciting.  The execution of the software, marketing, and support, is garbage.  There is scuttlebutt (and I DO mean BUTT) that Auran is not supporting the product.

    Go ahead and play with it.  But don't blame me if you throw your shoe at the computer screen!

    What TRS2006 users need is a website run by someone who has the assets where users can get discs of assets, or download from the website.  Don't even try to mess with the Auran site.

    Peace...and Happy Railroading!

  • It all works fine for me....Guess you just got the bad apple......I love TRS...I made so many routes I lost count on how many I have made for it....There is a lot of cool stuff in the DLS....Look for some of my TRS posts in this area and you will see what I have come up with...There all pretty much proto routes for Wisconsin.....
    J Trane
  • Cool [8D] Hello Highhood 63, welcome to you.

    Hopefully your questions have been answered by now, but for the sake of viewers, I can offer the procedures of entry into the Auran Community.

    First, you have to register the product, after you install the product, to participate in the Forums, or Download.

    Trainz Exchange, depends very much on registration, and is not always available. It's like a newsletter...we check in occasionally, sometimes there are links to other websites to follow, however most just visit the Forums, and check with the Download Station, daily.

    Sometimes the web-pages go down for maintenance, sometimes the servers can't handle the volume, sometimes my servers go down, sometimes I kick the power converter to my DSL modem loose, and the whole thing flops...I just go into TRS2004 or TRS2006, and load the Cumberland to Connellsville Route, or the ProtoClinchfield Route, or the Clovis Subdivision, etc...

    The FAQ's and Search functions at the Auran TRS Forums, are essential reading.
