Pop-Up Panels

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Pop-Up Panels

  • Somebody had to do this...
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  • I hate Pop-Ups
  • Get rid of them, NOW! They are really starting to get annoying!
    Eolafan (a.k.a. Jim)
  • I wanted to vote for the first 4 !!! They change this[:)] to [:(]. Are they really the [}:)] in disguise? What would be [8D] would be if they (the pop-ups) were [xx(]. I try not to let them make me [:(!], but I'm not [8)] about doing this [:p] at them. I would be a [:o)] if I thought [:p] did any good. So, I [^] of anybody doing anything to get rid of them [:D]. That would make me [:I] think they are [8D]. Hope this doesn't make you [|)] by the way I carry on. SO in reply to your [?], [:)] anyway, and have a good day [;)]. [:X] to my wife, and I'll be home soon, if someone doesn't hit me with an [8], then I'd be [:0]. FDM
    FDM TRAIN up a child in the way he should go...Proverbs22:6 Garrett, home of The Garrett Railroaders, and other crazy people. The 5 basic food groups are: candy, poptarts, chocolate, pie, and filled donuts !
  • Get over it already !!
  • dave9999, they must displease you too, because you sound (___).- I'll let you fill in your own smiley. FDM
    FDM TRAIN up a child in the way he should go...Proverbs22:6 Garrett, home of The Garrett Railroaders, and other crazy people. The 5 basic food groups are: candy, poptarts, chocolate, pie, and filled donuts !
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by yellowducky

    dave9999, they must displease you too, because you sound (___).- I'll let you fill in your own smiley. FDM

    Actually I've never seen a pop-up on this site. I use Netscape and simply turn them off. This
    topic was done to death in the MRR forum. And as I stated there, If this forum relied on your
    contributions or dues to operate, then complain all you want. But since it's FREE get over it !!!!
    They pay their bills by advertising, just like the TV shows you watch every day. You are probably
    one of those people that think when you buy a copy of Model Railroader that your five bucks
    cover the cost of publishing. Wrong! They have to sell their products and sell advertising
    to others. As for the smiley: I dont use the annoying little @#$%'s. Dave
  • I believe that this topic has come up before and one solution to the situation is to install the google tool bar and use its popup killer thingy. It works on my computer.
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