Backwards-running Marx

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Backwards-running Marx

  • My 45+ year-old Marx locomotive has been in a box for most of that time. I want to use it but it only runs backward. Can I fix it? LPratt
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  • My 45+ year-old Marx locomotive has been in a box for most of that time. I want to use it but it only runs backward. Can I fix it? LPratt
  • I've heard of this problem before. It's something with your engine's reverse unit. Rest assured, it is fixable. I'm sorry, but that's all the info. I can give you. Post this topic in the Classic Toy Trains forums insted of here and you will definetly get some good results.
  • I've heard of this problem before. It's something with your engine's reverse unit. Rest assured, it is fixable. I'm sorry, but that's all the info. I can give you. Post this topic in the Classic Toy Trains forums insted of here and you will definetly get some good results.
  • I just got finished stripping down my steam locomotive of about the same vintage. I took it apart for the same reason; it started going in just reverse. It was in a box for a good 40 years. There is a solenoid that operates a toggle switch. Unfortunately, it is smack in the middle of the hardest place to get into. The solenoid is probably still good but only stuck. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend the method that I used to get things unstuck. What ever you do, be cautious with grease cutting solvents. They can also soften plastic and that will make things worse.
    I can send pictures of where the switch is located. I would not recommend grease or oil on the solenoid. If you feel confident about wiggling things with a tooth pick (please, please be careful of wires, coils and connections) you might be able to work it free. Don’t be afraid to take it to an expert, if anyone knows any.

    Good Luck
    Joe L.
  • I just got finished stripping down my steam locomotive of about the same vintage. I took it apart for the same reason; it started going in just reverse. It was in a box for a good 40 years. There is a solenoid that operates a toggle switch. Unfortunately, it is smack in the middle of the hardest place to get into. The solenoid is probably still good but only stuck. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend the method that I used to get things unstuck. What ever you do, be cautious with grease cutting solvents. They can also soften plastic and that will make things worse.
    I can send pictures of where the switch is located. I would not recommend grease or oil on the solenoid. If you feel confident about wiggling things with a tooth pick (please, please be careful of wires, coils and connections) you might be able to work it free. Don’t be afraid to take it to an expert, if anyone knows any.

    Good Luck
    Joe L.