Where to start

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Where to start

  • If I didn't have any railroad experience and was wanting to get into it, which road would be more user friendly?  UP BNSF?  I live in the DFW metroplex and I guess KCS would be another opption but their website doesn't have any career links.  I would like to be (or start out as) a conductor, but I'd settle for maintainence.  I'm sure this sort of subject might have been covered in the other posts about getting hired with the railroads, but I'm feeling kinda lazy today...



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  • You can try this website www.railroadtraining.com this is the National Academy of Rail Sciences located in Overland Park, Kansas.

    Or you can try the Modoc Railroad Academy www.modocrailroadacademy.com this school is located a few miles north of Sacramento, California.
