Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 50: April 24, 2006

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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 50: April 24, 2006

  • The latest installment of Trackside with Erik and Mike is now live within the Railroading section on the home page. Please read this week's column first then vote for your favorite photo below.
    Erik Bergstrom
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  • In my mind, they're both pretty much run of the mill 3/4 shots. However, the great light on the fresh red paints add some nice contrast that the FEC shots doesn't have. In fact, the dull light (I assume haze) in the second shot brings the whole image down as the colors just blend into each other rather boringly. Also, I like the angles of the CP engine that the compress telephoto lens provides.
  • Wow! It's hard to believe that Trackside with Erik and Mike has reached 50. Where has the time gone? Congratulations! I see you're returning to your roots by having the photographers remain anonymous.

    Anyway, this week I voted for Photo 2. It is a very nice and well-composed shot taken at the perfect angle with the train in just the right spot. I can't think of anything negative that even the harshest critic could say about it. It would be a good photo for FEC to use in publicity or advertisements. It is of course is a very traditional type of train photo with nothing especially unique about it, but what's wrong with that?

    Photo 1, on the other hand, is certainly a unique and eye-catching shot. There's something weird about having the long hood coming at you like that. However, that does not make it a better photograph. It is an excellent shot, but I feel that Photo 2 is much better.
  • Love the old SD-45's and their wierd radiators, whataview of the old EMD long hood. Also like the old ties & track, makes the box cars behind look like their wobbling along, rockin & rollin. I like both photos, but #1 just stabs you right in the eye. And the burnt out ditch light adds a nice touch to the whole scene. Larry in Blaine WA
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by Sask_Tinplater

    Photo 1, on the other hand, is certainly a unique and eye-catching shot. There's something weird about having the long hood coming at you like that.

    I agree: unusual, but uncomfortable also. I guess I'm also a bit of a traditionalist with the 3/4 shot of the FEC. I was also a bit bothered by the weeds on the track in the CP shot (although that can't be helped by the photographer). I just think no weeds or almost overgrown... not a few strays randomly. There was also something odd about the CP logo, the left side had tiny horizontal stripes but the right side (in shadow) did not. Anyway, I'm just being nitpicky.
    FEC is less common anyway. I see it's in front of two UP locos so either UP locos aren't local or vice versa. I'm guessing that the shot was from Florida from Mike's trip out East or Southeast. I could easily be wrong, especially since I don't even know exactly where he went.
  • The FEC is picture postcard great. It has the palms of Florida and the daily afternoon rain storm brewing in the clouds. I can feel the coral crunch under my feet as I watch it grace the curve. The CP shot is an eycatcher and better color, I went with composition. Congrats on 50 to both of you gents. 50 more!
  • Since I am a meteorologist as well as a railroad fan, I could not ignore the big cumulonimbus cloud in the background of photo number 2. I couldn't help but vote for a photo with a train in the foreground and a developing thunderstorm in the background!
    Gregory J. Story
  • Both shots are very nice, as always. I think Photo #2 appeals to me more; there is something about those low shots that seem to give a train a more massive and powerful look (aside from the railfan view we commonly have). I also like the sky above; it seems to compliment the dark blue paint scheme of the lead FEC engine very well. It kinda looks like one of those overcast, slightly gloomy days that reflects the all-weather nature of trains.

    But I have to say that the fresh red paint of the CP Rail engine in Photo #1 is very eyecatching, with the right light and all. The photo reminds me of a local BNSF switch train I frequently see that always has a reversed GP30 (in the old Santa Fe blue and yellow, sporting its new BNSF marks). Very nice shot.

    Congrats also to Erik and Mike for their 50 installments. Great job, guys! Hope to see many more!

    - Bryan
  • Happy 50th Erik and Mike!!!! [bday]

    It's red, it's clean and crisp, it has a Canadian flavor.... yes, it's a CP engine!!!
    I prefer picture #1, even though #2 shows a nice FEC color combo!

    Kudos for sharing nice pictures and keep up the quality! [yeah]

    Vianney Roge
  • Any photo that makes me feel like I'm about to eat some metal is a good photo.
  • Both photographs are good but capturing two paint schemes on the FEC at the same time tilts the balance.
  • I'm from the east coast of Florida.... of course I had to vote for the FEC.
    Florida East Coast Railway - Flagler System "Speedway to America's Playground" Roads bad, Trains better.
  • #2 was what I liked
  • Photo #1 got my vote, although I am alittle concerned that some yahoo might get themselves killed while trying to duplicate that angle...
  • Happy 50th to Erik and Mike! Wow, another set of photos that makes for a tough decision. In picture #2, I thought the cloud formations above the train were quite interesting and unusually. In picture #1, the bold red color of the CP locomotive and the unusually angles of the engine's rear end make for an interesting photo. After debating both, I decided that bright red + angles wins over beautiful clouds. Congratulations to both of you on two fine submittals.