UP question

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UP question

  • Are there still any UP units never painted into UP's paint?
    I mena are there still any Southern Pacific Dash 9's, MOPAC Dash 7's, CNW EMD or GE units?
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  • There are still some SP units thave not been painted yet.IIRC there are still 6 C&NW units left.
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
  • Well, I believe all Cotton Belt (SSW) locos have been patched. I also believe that DRGW locos were either patched or sold to companies such as Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway for instance. SP might have some unpatched left, although most were probably swormed and invaded by leasing companies.

    You can't let an engine sit anywhere for to long without it being made into a leaser----lol.
    Honestly, I do agree with "espeefoamer" though. It seems like SPs wouldn't be patched. Maybe it's the same with CNW. Hmmmmm. I have to go look this up..................
    Richard Click here to go to my rail videos! Click here to go to my rail photos! .........
  • Did SP have any AC44s? If so I think I saw one on a UP coal train on the C&NW this past Saturday. I didn't get a good look at its designation, so It could have been a Dash 9 but it was paired with a UP AC44.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by up829

    Did SP have any AC44s? If so I think I saw one on a UP coal train on the C&NW this past Saturday. I didn't get a good look at its designation, so It could have been a Dash 9 but it was paired with a UP AC44.

    SP had a sizable fleet of AC4400CW's, numbered 100-378. Many have been patched but there are still a fair number that still carry their SP number.

    SP also had 101 C44-9W's, numbered 8100-8200. Most if not all of these have at least been patched, many have been repainted.
    The daily commute is part of everyday life but I get two rides a day out of it. Paul
  • I guess there is a matter of a few "unpatched CNWs and SPs." The problem is, only less than 10 CNW that are unpatched are out and running. It will be lucky if you see one. SP has more unpatched units, but they are pretty common. I, myself, have seen about 8 or 9 unpatched SPs. CNWs are sometimes spotted out here on CSX though, so I might eventually see an unpatched CNW----at least my roster says there is some unpatched CNWs. I hope it's right, because it's from 2002.

    Richard Click here to go to my rail videos! Click here to go to my rail photos! .........
  • I have seen a few Chicago andNorth Western GE Dash 9s and Dash 8s and an EMD SD40, and some Southern Pacific GE Dash 9s and two axle EMDs and a two axle EMD Denver and Rio Grande unit in the chicago area. They all had U.P. patches over teir original logos, and were terribly ratty, but yes, there are still a few survivors!