I am getting involved in the restoration (on a minor scale) of some real railroad equipment at a small local railroad museum in the Kansas City area. As part of this endevor, I need to find some resources to give me some guidance on what needs to be done, what can be done (i.e. with the real limitations of equipment, money, etc), how to do some of the selected work or find the (volunteer) expertise to get something done, etc, etc. I need names, telephone numbers, etc.

Some examples of the work I can see that would be neat to do: restoring the floor tiles on a 1940's observation car, restoring the window blinds on the same car, adding missing wood details to the cabs on two steam locomotives presently on outside exhibition (such as cab window arm rests and refinishing the wood underside of the cab), etc, etc.

I intend to contact local (and not so loca)l train museums including the local KCS historical folks, etc. But all suggestions would be most appreciated.