Here is a brief excerpt from "Leap into the Snow", the latest Memory story in the Railroads of Madison County Memory pages.

"It was really winter in Indiana at that time, cold, cold, cold and a heavy snow on the ground. I reported for duty at the prescribed time, late in the evening and was pleased to see we were assigned a couple of EMD (General Motors) covered wagons. A lot of the men called these engines the Cadillacs, they were very comfortable and always warm. We left the engine house and tied onto our train of about 80 cars…"

Bob Stierwalt was an engineer with the New York Central in the early 60s when he got the call to run from Anderson to Elkhart. It was a most interesting trip. You can read about it at:

If you like this memory, you might like to check out the other memory pages many of which take place on the NYC Michigan Division in North Central Indiana. You can find those at: