What happened to my TRAINS mag?

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What happened to my TRAINS mag?

  • Did anyone else noticed the strange binding errors in their March 2005 issues of TRAINS magazine? Pp11-18 are set lower and a good part of the page's bottom's are cut off.

    Customer Service reps are gone for the weekend I can't talk to them until Monday!


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  • This occured in both my Trains issue and Model Railroader issue. Its as if the printers put too much glue or whatever and about a half inch or so near the binding is stuck to the other page. The whole magazine isent like this, just a few pages, mostly at the beginning. But in my case, its still readible and dosent cause any harm to me, just a little annoyance.

    By the way, I noticed a fingerprint in my Model Railroader on the Marine Rail section of the magazine. Someone must have been playin with the ink or something.[(-D]

    But Im not complaining. Just thought I'd point it out.

  • MIne has even more pages like this in the back. Good parts of the news items and articles are cut off. More than an annoyance.

    I guess I'm not alone here.

  • I didn't have any problems with either issue of TRAINS or MR............this time. I have had problems with the condition they are delivered in since they quit wrapping them in plastic but that seems to have been addressed. You might have gotten an issue from when they changed paper or reset their printers or whatever it is they do. You'll probably get another issue to replace the defective one but in the meantime you're stuck with what you have. That's what's frustrating.
  • I was a fan of the plastic...but pages that are offset get downright annoying!
  • i ordered a pizza 7 years ago and still have not seen it
    that delivery boy better not ask for a tip

    my mag was messed up to i say we go on strike and take over the world
    and lower the poor mans tax to nothin and raise the rich taxes
    and every workin man gets free beer[8D][:D][bow]