You probably can imagine my surprise when I saw this New Jersey Transit ALP-45DP parked next to a German Autobahn. While returning home from a vacation in the Harz mountains,  I saw this engine some miles west of Hannover on Autobahn 2 (Hannover-Dortmund). We especially left the Autobahn to catch a second glimpse of the engine and to make sure our eyes didn't fool us. The engine didn't have any trucks and was loaded on a flatbed trailer. It probably was on its way to Berlin for the Innotrans exhibition, early September 2012. I guess it wasn't moved by train as the European clearance is smaller  than the American. I've got no idea why it was parked here, but there was a low bridge a few miles ahead. Maybe the engine was to tall to pass this bridge.
This is the first time I've seen an American commuter engine on the Autobahn. These shots were made through the windshield while flashing by at 140 km/h on the right lane of the highway. Too bad a concrete barrier prevented a better view of the engine...

Cornelius Koelewijn - Netherlands