Reader Poll - July 2004

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  • Do you currently receive any of the four e-mail newsletters?

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    Polls on are not scientific and reflect only the opinions of the users who have chosen to participate. The results cannot be assumed to represent the opinions of Internet users in general, the readers of our magazines, nor the public as a whole. Bottom line, our polls are meant for fun and to stimulate conversation amongst our forum users.
    Erik Bergstrom
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  • I'm assuming by the e-mail newsletters that you are referring to you mean the Model Train updates and Railroading upates from The MR started out being very interesting and occasionally still has a spark and likewise re: the Trains one also. But they have gotten more recently filled with obvious, or maybe to some people who don't see it, subliminal advertising. They seem to be basically the same as the magazines with not much new and usually when it is something new it is a link to sell something. The one bright spot is on the Trains email updates is the daily M-F news notices.
  • I'm assuming by the e-mail newsletters that you are referring to you mean the Model Train updates and Railroading upates from The MR started out being very interesting and occasionally still has a spark and likewise re: the Trains one also. But they have gotten more recently filled with obvious, or maybe to some people who don't see it, subliminal advertising. They seem to be basically the same as the magazines with not much new and usually when it is something new it is a link to sell something. The one bright spot is on the Trains email updates is the daily M-F news notices.
  • Yeah I get the Model Railroader one.
  • I receive the Railroading update from It is a good review of the articles contained in the news wire and the photo contests are great.
  • I get the MR and TRAINS ones.


  • Just the MR one, but I preferred the original style of it, not the new one, and so may be canceling one of these days. Too much focus on click here to buy this, order that. The staff seems to have been taken out of the picture, plus the ability to contact least easily. It's becoming to commercial, IMO, and less personalized. Too bad. I also liked the polls. I just read the new product releases now, and that's about it anymore. Sorry...
    "Paul [Kossart] - The CB&Q Guy" [In Illinois] ~ Modeling the CB&Q and its fictional 'Illiniwek River-Subdivision-Branch Line' in the 1960's. ~
  • why donĀ“t i get magazines
  • Here, here, CBQ_guy

    If you think about it the poll results would be quite positive since it appear in an email newsletter(should be called advertisement)

    Or is this a very subtle form of spam??

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by dougal

    Yeah I get the Model Railroader one.
    I see your company advertised in Cable installation magazine, (I think it's that one)
    So what do you think of the agreement signed with the D&H (CPR) and the NS?? CP will regret closing Buffalo SK yard...
  • I get the MR and the TRAINS, and like 'em both.

  • I would love to see weekly if not daily clips or videos of trains like what is done on Oaks Model Railroad or Graham. I think that would give people more of an accentive to registar for membership and would be advantageous if the videos came also from companies like Highball Productions as it would drum up business for themselves. I love this website and would like to see this website prosper furthur so I recommend video clips.
  • I get CTT's newsletter and, sadly, have to agree that there is

    QUOTE: Originally posted by CBQ_Guy
    Too much focus on click here to buy this, order that.
  • I signed up for Trainpage, but every time it comes my ISP intercepts it because it is "possible SPAM".
  • Trains newswire is great!