Union Pacific Type Volume 1

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Union Pacific Type Volume 1

  • Whatever happened to the book Union Pacific Type Volume 1.Is it out of print. where can I find the first volume.

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  • It is long out of print and somewhat difficult to find.  It is a great book, thoroughly researched.  William Kratville and John E. Bush spent 30 years interviewing former UP employees and other eyewitnesses.

    Volumes 1 and 2 are among the finest railroad books ever written in terms of research and attention to detail.

    Volume 2 was intended to be William Kratville's last book.

    I read my Volume 1 and 2, and then sold them.  (I'm not rich, so I tend to buy and then resell books).

    Volume 2 can still be found brand new, signed by the authors.  Places like Karen's Books can get it for you. 
