Railfan at Tehachapi Loop

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Railfan at Tehachapi Loop

  • [?] Is there somebody who can tell how to find a good place at Tehachapi Loop to watch the "freight parade"[?]
    Please only "legal" spots which are open to the Railfan.
    Will be at the Loop sometimes in August 2004, so there is no reason to rush.
    Have both Trains articles with the maps of that area. They show however probably not the latest developments. Or?
    Herby from DA
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  • I haven't been to Tehachapi for several years, but I have always gone to the ridge above the loop. There was a path in from the road and no fences needed to be crossed. From there you could see most of the loop, and from the top of the ridge, you could get approaching shots of trains descending the hill.

    This is accessed from a secondary road, with signposts from the Interstate on the Bakersfield side of the loop. The road extends all the way to Tehachapi township.
