MOW work at Rochelle Web cam

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MOW work at Rochelle Web cam

  • On the Rochelle web cam today i noticed some MOW going on.... Also some of the UP trains would stop in the middle of the dimond. Is this just regular work on the BNSF tracks or was there a derailment overnight?[xx(]
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  • I've read in other posts that some trains from one railroad would block the diamond, so that other trains behind, on the other track can get by, ahead of the trains from the other railroad.
  • Most of the MOW stuff left now but there are some trucks there on the right side UP tracks. Im guessing it was BNSF doing the MOW...
  • bnsf is replacing rail ties on that line
  • I was watching that myself. At one point, I swear something like fifteen or twenty of those little MOW railcars went through the crossing, one right after another!

    BTW - I did a "View Source" on the Rochelle web cam page and saved it to my local HD. Then I brought it up in Notepad, found the sizing for the webcam and doubled the values from 320 to 640 and 120 to 240, and resaved the file. Then I double-clicked on the file in Windows Explorer, brought it up in I.E. and... hey presto! twice as big a web cam! Sure the image was rather grainy, but I could still see more detail than before. I do wi***hat the webmasters here could add that option to open an alternate, nearly identical Web Cam page that has a double-sized image.
    Regards, Brett C. Cammack Holly Hill, FL