Vintage train signs help

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Vintage train signs help

  • Hello all, newbie here. I have been looking for some info on some signs I aquired some time back while stationed in upstate New York. Both are metal with some kind of tab on one end and one has NYC on the tab. They appear to be blue in color with white trim around them and are about 10 inches tall and 20 inches long. One sign has in white letters LIMITED / ALBANY / NEW YORK painted on both sides with the words being on top of each other, and the other is the same with EXPRESS / SCHENEGTADY /  ALBANY NEW YORK / NEW ENGLAND. they are in ok shape with some light rust on them. Anybody have any ideas? Thanks for looking at the post.

    here they are:

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  • I'm guessing they are old destination signs for track number signs at a station, most likely New York Grand Central Terminal. These signs would be placed at the entrances to platforms at a station to direct passengers to what track their train is on. These are removable, so they can be placed at whatever track the train is at.

    The reason I think this is a Grand Central sign is that the New York Central (that's what the NYC on the tab stands for) served all those destinations from Grand Central.

    Hope this helps! Maybe you could post some photos of the signs? I'd be interested in seeing them.