Adrian and Blissfield Railroad / ex NHN Locomotives

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Adrian and Blissfield Railroad / ex NHN Locomotives

  • If anyone is interested, I have some news on the four former NHN locomotives that the Adrian and Blissfield Railroad bought.   1760 is painted with the ADBF paint scheme and currently in the shop with electrical problems.   1758 is going to be painted in the ADBF sheme this summer.   And rumor has it that 1755 and 1759 are for sale.

    Also, does anybody have any information on what the old cabooses and rail cars are for that are just sitting around in Blissfield, MI and Grosvenor?

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      I live nearby does the Adrian and Blissfield have many customers? 

  • Yes, I believe so.   They service a few factory's on the west end of adrian, Stevenson's Lumber, Omnisource, a few more factories on the east side of adrian, Riverbend/Insulspan, MAC Grain Elevator, and Great Lakes Ethanol.