Old Lionel O gauge Locomotive

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Old Lionel O gauge Locomotive

  • I told a friend of mine that I was into trains,and he gave me a old metal lionel loco,it has a metal plate on the bottom that says "O" Gauge Locomotive,Lubrivate as per instructions The Lionel Corporation N.Y. Made in U.S. of America.and it has a road number 2035,it has three metal wheels,and gears are made to the wheels on the in side,and it has 2 spring loadeed rolers on the bottom,it also has 2 sets of small wheels in the back,and one set in the front.it also says somthiung about whitisl/smoke be lubed,it's in pretty good shape,it needs the front nose,and one screw,and some cleaning,and it has the tender,and one gondola,controle box,and one peice of track,it's pretty much all metal,the loco weigs about 4 or 5 pounds.does any body know what,I have and is it worth anything.
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  • Well, this engine was manufacturered from 1950-51 and according to the price guide is worth $65 in good condition with the tender (which should have the number 6466W stamped in the bottom). However, your engine wouldn't be worth that much (especially with the front missing). There are repair parts available and O/O27 gauge track for it is very easy to come buy if you want to fix it up and run it. If you have any further questions about it, I' suggest asking them in the Classic Toy Trains forums where you'll get much more/better responses.