Favorite Amtrak Locomotive to take pictures of

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Favorite Amtrak Locomotive to take pictures of

  • Mine personal Favorite is the P42DC in the new runway paint
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  • [8D]
    I voted "other" for the Acela (HST) consist.
    For one thing, you get a second chance at a photo shot, every time one goes by !!
    British Mike in Philly
  • Acela, I don't live too close to the NEC but the few times I do see them I get great picture of them.
  • As of right now, I would go with the F40PH. It was Amtrak's motive power nationwide for a long time. Others that I would consider would be Amtrak's switchers and M/W power, especially the orange GP7's and GP9's.
    The daily commute is part of everyday life but I get two rides a day out of it. Paul
  • Acela Express! I live/work just a few miles from the NEC and I get to watch them everyday.

  • For my money, there never has been, and never will be an engine as good looking as the old E9 units (and their bulldog nose cousins). Jim
    Eolafan (a.k.a. Jim)
  • I voted "other" for the Acela consist.
    For one thing, you get a second chance at a photo shot, every time one goes by !!

    I agree.

    Acela is an awesome train!!!!!!!!![:D][:)][8D][:D][:)][8D][:D][:)][8D][:D][8D][:)][^][:D][8D][:)][^][:D][8D][:)]
  • Two of my favorites were not listed,so I said other.[:(!]
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
  • The AEM7's are my favorite but the Acela is a close second.

  • I am a train engineer for Amtraks NEC at the current moment (they are thinking about moving me) and my favorite locomotives are the P-42DC's due to the fact that not only do I engineer them most of the time, but they are a reliable locomotive and never seem to give me any problems on good days.

  • What about the F59PHI? I am a big fan of this one.

    Owner and superintendant of the N scale Texas Colorado & Western Railway, a protolanced representaion of the BNSF from Fort Worth, TX through Wichita Falls TX and into Colorado. 

    Check out the TC&WRy on at https://www.facebook.com/TCWRy

    Check out my MRR How-To YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/RonsTrainsNThings


  • I had to vote for the P42DC. I like seeing it pull trains like the Texas Special or the downeastern. I do also like seeing the Acela and the HHP train sets too, but I see them all the time because I only live 10mins away from the NEC. I would of voted for the GG1 if Amtrak had any. Man I would never get sick of seeing that beauty.
    LORD HELP US ALL TO BE ORIGINAL AND NOT CRISPY!!! please? Sarah J.M. Warner conductor CSX
  • I will go with the P42DC. I like how the locomotives look in the new paint, especially last time at Cresson, saw one with a huge dent in the front[:(].
    Kevin Farlow Colorado Springs
  • P42. But it's cooler in VIA paint, as am I.