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BC Rail in Northwest Georgia!!???!!

  • Hey, whats all this new power on the Atlanta North District? I swore I saw a BC rail locomotive as 3rd in line on an NS coal train headed for the local powerplant. I have also seen BNSF on the line. Can anyone tell me if NS is using lots of leasing power these days?
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  • Up here in the Vancouver area I have seen old BC Rail units in BNSF's New Westminster yard, so it may be safe to say they are now leaser units.
    Did the locomotives actually say BC Rail on them?
  • Yessir, it had the BCRail logo on the side of the long hood still, if thats what you mean. I was not at the proper angle to see any numbers or other reporting marks however. Do you have any pictures of BC rail locomotives that you can spare? Id be interested in getting a few before they all go over to CN....
  • OK I guess that means they probably have been leased.

    I'll try to snag a few photos for you
  • CN RAIL has taken over running BC Rail. The province of BC retains ownership of the rightaway.. I guess CN Rail needs to learn how to run a railroad so they bought into one that works. As BC Rail has been posting record profits and CN has not. I trust the crews of BC Rail will take the time need to show CN how to do things and not give up and become lazy type(s) and start doing shoddy work like CN does now. Just Maybe CN will take a look at their LOCO(s) and see how a good looking paint design might improve they company image. Instead of having that faded red with the washed out white and flat black colour scheme that they got from some drunk years ago.[8D]
  • The operations of BC Rail were sold since much of the traffic (especially Tumbler Ridge coal) dried up and the profits vanished. It's possible that power excess to needs on the former BC Rail is being leased out.
    There are also some SD40-2's owned by and numbered for Helm that are are still in BC Rail colors
    The daily commute is part of everyday life but I get two rides a day out of it. Paul