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Foam Scenery

  • I'm doing a real layout this year. Years past it was build it before christmas and pack it away after christmas. The typical christmas train garden situation. So this year I have a house of my own (Along with wife of course) and a layout I can leave built for months / years. I'm trying to do scenery with foam and I wanted to get input from people who have done it before.

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  • Congrarts onhaving the house and a place to
    put a layout. At least you have a start.
    Iv'e used styrofoam before with decent results.
    I've used the 4'x8' sheets,like they put on your
    house before siding,etc.
    Just cut in the genarl shapes you think you want and glue together.
    I have generally used an X-acto for the cutting,and white glue
    Then use one of thew build mediums on the market
    to shape whatever you want. It may sound a little complicated,
    but if you have patience,time and a good imagination,you
    should do very well.
    Best of luck in endevors.[:)]


    Being Crazy,keeps you from going "INSANE" !! "The light at the end of the tunnel,has been turned off due to budget cuts" NOT AFRAID A Vet., and PROUD OF IT!!